There Shall Be Famines

There shall be famines….

by Leslie Flynn

FAMINE – The frightening specter of widespread shortage of food – may be only a few years away.

One authority on the subject says , “If present trends continue, it seems likely famine will reach serious proportions in India, Pakistan, and China in the mid-1970’s, and most of the other countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America by 1980. Such a famine will be of massive proportions, affecting millions, possibly even billions of persons. If this happens, as many authorities think it will, it will be the most colossal catastrophe in history.” (Editor’s note: Since this article was first published, these predictions have been fulfilled on schedule.)

The Bible records a major famine in Egypt in the time of Joseph. One night Pharaoh had a dream in which seven fat cows which came up out of a river were devoured by seven skinny cows. After waking and going back to sleep, Pharaoh dreamed again. This time he saw seven thick ears of corn, consumed by seven thin ears of corn.

Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s two dreams as having the same meaning. He told Pharaoh, “Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt; and there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall consume the land” (Genesis 41:29, 30).

From this ancient history we learn a principle that operates invariably through all of life. It is the principle that the years of plenty are followed by the years of famine. This is true in the economic world. There is the flow and ebb of prosperity and depression; business volume is followed by recession.

This principle holds true in nature. Day is followed by night. The fruitfulness of summer is gobbled up by the lean, barren winter. The young look forward to the many years of life ahead of them. Each day seems long, providing plenty of time to waste in play and pastime. But the Psalmist who knew that a famine of time would soon overtake us advised, “Teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). Suddenly, one day, perhaps after high school or marriage, we discover that a good portion of our years has sped by.

Doesn’t the same principle hold true for our intellects? In youth, minds seem to learn so quickly and to memorize so easily. But as the years go by, one discovers that he cannot memorize as easily as he did before.

It is the same way with money. A person who has saved up plenty for a rainy day and who thought he had security, may discover how quickly the days of famine can eat up his savings.

Because this principle is so true – famine follows plenty – we should take advantage of the days of plenty to prepare for the famine to follow.

Surpluses were never given to us to waste. If God has blessed you with health, strength, time, or money, He doesn’t wish you to squander it. He wants you to invest it for the future.

You might say, “I’ve prepared for the future. I’ve made plans for the years ahead.” But I ask you, “For how many years ahead ?”

You reply, “I carry hospitalization in case I get ill. I have a substantial bank account in case of a rainy day. I’m insured heavily, so if anything should happen to me, my wife and children would be taken care of. Then when I get to be 65 I’ll have Social Security; I’m all set.”

But let me ask you this question: “Yes, you have made excellent plans up to 65, then from 65 till death, but what about after death?”

Back in Egypt in the days of plenty, Joseph told the Pharaoh to appoint some man to oversee the surplus grain. “Unless someone is appointed,” said Joseph, “all the surplus will be squandered and famine will come to the nation. You will have no reserves. Rather let someone possessing wisdom, who can look into the future, be appointed to have charge over the land.” So Pharaoh appointed Joseph who saved millions of lives.

Similarly, we need to invite someone to take over the running of our lives so that our eternal souls may be saved. We need a Saviour, a Guide, a Leader. Who else is all-wise, and able to forgive us for our sins, and make us fit for His eternal home, than the Lord Jesus Christ? He died for us. He knows the future.

Have you prepared for the future? The after the 65 – to – death period. In other words-where will you spend eternity? Will you say to Jesus Christ, “I give myself completely over to You. Forgive my sins. You run my life.”

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