Depart in peace, thou blessed soul, from
this world of misery and sin; depart, beyond
the reach of temptation, beyond the power of
Satan or of sin: in the name of the Father who
created thee; in the name of Jesus Christ,
the Son of the living God, who died for thee:
in the name of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter,
who sanctifieth and preserveth thee.

May the angels, which minister to the
heirs of salvation, attend around thee; the
glorious company of apostles and the goodly
fellowship of prophets receive thee; may the
noble army of martyrs, the triumphant band
of confessors, the multitude of saints which
have gone before, welcome thee to thy rest:
wherein thou shalt rejoice in hope of that
blessed resurrection, in the which, with all
the redeemed of God, thou shalt receive
again thy body made like unto Christ’s glo-
rious body, and shalt have Thy perfect con-
summation and bliss in the kingdom of
eternal joy.

With whom, O merciful Father, Thou
Judge Eternal, do Thou grant unto us also
who remain to have our part, abiding in Thy
fear and love, and patiently abounding in
our work, until our change come, through
Jesus Christ our Lord.