Thoughts on Governmental Authority

by Susan Renier

Since I am an employee of the federal government, and one of the most (if not
the most) despised departments thereof, I probably find it a little easier
to obey its authority — even in my mind — than some other Americans.
However, when the government funds abortions and backs homosexual and
anti-family agendas my heart grieves. There was a time when we considered
withholding a certain amount of our taxes in protest against these things,
however, the Lord called us on it. The word that He spoke to us was this:
“You are only responsible for obedience to my word. Those who delegate the
spending of the money will be held responsible for their decisions.” We
serve an awesome, holy, and just God. Our God will not be mocked. However,
He also has charged His children with obedience to His word. His word tells
us that we must “submit to every ordinance of man for the Lord�s sake,
whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by
Him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do
good.” If we, His children, do what is right according to man�s law, God
will honor us because we have not hidden behind our Christianity or used it
as an excuse to get out of doing things that every other citizen must do.
(1Peter 2:13-17) We must be ethical, even if the governmental authorities
are not.