To God Be The Glory


The day is fast approaching when we will be expected in person at the great “Marriage Supper” held in Heaven. Truly it will be “Out of this World” and to the Glory of God.

Will you be There? Have you accepted your invitation to this greatest of all Events? Are you telling others about it? Please do so because our Lord insists His table will be filled. Read about it in His Word, the Bible. Rejoice in knowing that your name is written in “The Book of Life.” It is written “Come for all things are now ready.” St. Luke 14:16-24 – St. Matthew 22:1-14 and also in Revelation 19:7-10.

Well, as I said before “To God be the Glory” and without doubt, it will be truly glorious” for He is honoring His Son, our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Without our Saviour, there would be no gathering unto Him and no Great Supper but He has already paid for all of us on Calvary’s Cross. Now He waits to preside over all His unworthy but Faithful loved ones at His Marriage Supper promised to His own. Just think, He even provides all of us with His Robe of Righteousness of fine linen, clean, and white. I can hardly wait! What a thrill it will be to hear the King Himself pronounce the Blessing of Grace as He breaks bread with us in the Father’s House of many Mansions. Yes, it will be Glory for you and Glory for me! But most of all . . .

To God be the Glory!

Great things He hath done,
So loved He the world

that He gave us His Son.

Who yielded His life an atonement for sin

and opened the Life Gate that all may go in.

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

Oh! I pray I meet you There. Rest assured, you are invited. But you must respond. St. John 3:3-7. What a Day! What Love! What Glory!

Watching, working and waiting

for “The Saviour of the World”.

In His Love,

Sally Hetzel Lusk

Heb. 12:2

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