Traditional Approaches To Youth
Christianity: Reaching Out to Youth
by Robert Edwards Ellison
If we do not reach our youth while they are in their adolescence–we will not have to worry about ministering to them in their adulthood; because: they won’t be there! I. WHY HAVE MINISTRY TO YOUTH? A. Because of their response to the gospel: 1. 95% of those who get saved do so before age 21. 2. 85% are saved between the ages of 4 and 14. B. Because of their nature: 1. The age of adolescence is climbing (now 10-24). a. Why age 10? 1. Physiological: the age of puberty has consistently dropped since WW II. 2. Culturally: the adolescent is exposed to the adult world prematurely; through media, music, or broken homes. b. Why age 24? Cultural Reasons: 1. Prolonged education 2. Delayed marriage. 3. In an age of instability and insecurity; our youth need models of stability. C. Because laborers are needed 1. Over 20,000 jobs available in churches and parachurch organizations. 2. There is a major need in the United States, especially in inner city urban America. 3. Foreign fields are open to youth missions.
II. A. Historically, WHY have YOUTH been TURNED-OFF to religion?
- CHURCHES ARE NOT REACHING OUT! = Ingrown churches.
- Negative attitude toward churchgoers = Hypocrites.
- CHURCHES FAIL IN THE BASICS. = Mediocre programs.
- LITTLE WARMTH.= Don’t feel welcome.
- Negative to Clergy. = Ecclesiastical distance
- WHY do Youth Ministries FAIL?
- Why youth think they fail:
- Leaders don’t understand.
- Not enough activities/ or poor activities.
- Favoritism.
- Why Youth Leaders think they fail:
- Youth don’t see youth ministry as important.
- CONGREGATION don’t see youth ministry as important
- seen as “babysitting”
- Parents don’t see youth ministry as important.
- Feeling that youth ministry is a waste/ or misuse of spiritual gifts.
III. Determining the Basis of Success in Youth Ministry: Some tangible and intangible ingredients of youth ministry: TANGIBLES: sunday school, activities, outreach, camps and retreats, discipleship ministries, campus clubs, athletics, accountability. INTANGIBLES: R E L A T I O N S H I P S ! (love, acceptance, spirituality, etc.) A. THREE WRONG APPROACHES TO YOUTH MINISTRY: 1. chance happening= less than 1 out of 10 youth pastors/leaders have a WRITTEN goal. 2. Numbers ONLY as a criterion for success. 3. Mediocre programs/or poor programs and planning. B. BASIS FOR SUCCESS IN YOUTH MINISTRY: 1. Define philosophy of ministry: PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS UPON WHICH TO BUILD. 2. Philosophy and programs ARE NOT synonymous! 3. Programs are an outgrowth of philosophy. 4. Philosophy is constant while programs change with changing culture. 5. Philosophy establishes the DIRECTION of my ministry > programs simply make the “ride” more attractive. C. PRINCIPLES OF YOUTH MINISTRY: 1. Youth ministry is PERSONALLY LED. a. Youth ministry training b. Theological training c. Longevity: both in vocation and location 2. Youth ministry is non-traditional! a. Make it RELEVANT! b. Use VARIETY! c. INVOLVE YOUTH IN THE PROCESS! D. PHILOSOPHY OF YOUTH MINISTRY: 1. The philosophy (or GOAL) of Youth Ministry should be THE SAME as the goal of the local church. 2. The philosophy of youth ministry should BEGIN IN THE WORD OF GOD. 3. Two (2) passages of SCRIPTURE sufficiently SUMMARIZE the GOAL of the CHURCH: (Matthew 28:19-20 and Ephesians 4:11-12) a. Matt. 28:19-20 (The Great Commission): 1. To whom written? a. v.16: 11 disciples b. IT APPLIES TO= ALL BELIEVERS. 2. What is the threefold aim of the Great Commission? a. “teach all nations” = make disciples of as many as possible= THIS IS THE EVANGELIZATION PROCESS. b. “baptize them” = theological: (Romans 6:4) Identity with Christ =practical: (Acts 2:41,42) Identity with church c. “teaching them to observe” = to teach them obedience to scripture= THIS IS THE DISCIPLESHIP PROCESS. E. APPROACHES TO EVANGELISM: 1. Confrontation (initative) = front door= a. single encounters b. visitation c. service concert d. youth activities 2. Lifestyle = side door = Relationship: (FRAN) Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors 3. Emphasis = lifestyle = a. In the last 15 years there has been a shift from decision-making to disciple-making. b. Out of 100 people visiting church: 6% visited because of visitation; 86% visited because of FRAN-vangelism. c. The number one reason why people visited a church: F R I E N D S H I P !! IV. Eph. 4:11-13 – The Role of the Pastor A. Gift of Pastor = Teacher = (shepard) B. v. 12: the purposes of the gifts= TO PREPARE GOD’S PEOPLE FOR SERVICE 1. to mature (EQUIP) the saints 2. so that THEY (the saints) DO THE WORK of the ministry 3: Results: the BODY (of Christ, = the church) IS EDIFIED= (built up) C. The goal: SPIRITUAL MATURITY 1. includes evangelism 2. developmental process 3. youth pastor’s job is to equip them for spiritual maturity THE GOAL OF YOUTH MINISTRY: The Goal of (youth) ministry is to develop a culturally acceptable vehicle through which every (adolescent) will hear the gospel, and have the opportunity to spiritually mature. (Based on Matt. 28:19-20; Eph. 4:11-13) A. Measuring Success in Youth Ministry: (5 Biblical Characteristics): 1. CONVERTED – Luke 13:3. You cannot grow something that is not born, or that which is spiritually dead. (Need method to determine salvation). 2. CHURCHED- Heb. 10:25; Acts 2:41-42 Heb. 10:25 = Loyalty, Attendance Acts 2:41-42 = Baptism 3. CRAVING God’s word – Matt. 5:6 Hunger is a natural desire of a living being. Youth Pastor cultivates this hunger by a. “spoonfeeding” – (creating a thirst for God’s word) b. as a master communicator/listener – (helping) c. using a conducive environment – (safe, clean, pleasant) 4. COMPASSION for the lost – Matt. 9:36-38 Jesus sees the crowd and is moved. a. caring for others’ spiritual condition b. bringing and helping others to learn c. sharing your faith with others, and encouraging them in their faith 5. CONSECRATED – Rom. 12: 1-2 (Commitment) a. presentation of self to God b. v. 2 = separation from sin c. evidences : willing to do anything for God d. cultural signs: Christian College Missions Call to Ministry B. How are these 5 characteristics PRODUCED in the lives of Youth? These 5 characteristics may be produced through a pyramid of 5 levels/areas of ministry programming: Starting at the bottom of the pyramid, we begin with the foundation, working our way up to the top of the pyramid: LEVEL I. RELATIONSHIP BUILDING (Come One, Come All) LEVEL II. Evangelistic Outreach LEVEL III. Beginning Discipleship (Come with COMMITMENT): LEVEL IV. Spiritual Maturity (Development) LEVEL V. Spiritual Maturity (Reproduction/Multiplication) VII. THE FOUNDATIONS OF YOUTH MINISTRY: A. RELATIONSHIP BUILDING: 1. Relationship building cares for people= just because they are people! 2. Relationship building is done with: NO HIGHER MOTIVATION AT THAT MOMENT! 3. Relationship building, MAY lead to an evangelistic encounter; however, relationship building, by design, DOES NOT INCLUDE a gospel presentation! 4. Relationship building MUST BUILD relationships WITH BOTH SAVED AND UNSAVED. Examples: 1. Casual Content: BE WHERE YOUTH ARE! Mall, ball games, practices. 2. Planned events: treating at MacDonald’s, pizza blasts, etc. B. EVANGELISTIC OUTREACH: 1. The purpose of evangelistic outreach is to share the gospel by design. 2. Programs: sunday sunday, soul-winning visitation, etc. 3. Events: camp, retreat, campus bible club, amusement parks white water-rafting, tubing, etc., etc. C. BEGINNING DISCIPLESHIP: 1. Evangelistic stage in discipleship process. 2. primarily a corporate/group setting. Examples: sunday school, clubs, Bible study, retreats, D. SPIRITUAL MATURITY – (DEVELOPMENT): 1. The purpose is to assist spiritual maturity through COMMITMENT IN ACTION 2. They- (the youth) provide commitment; You- (youth pastor/leader provide the action (purpose) 3. Must be verbal or written: a. includes standards to live by b. must set a time frame for completion Examples of Level 4: 1. ministry teams, chorale, drama, gymnastic teams, media, office support. 2. One- on -One discipleship 3. Contract Bible studies. E. SPIRITUAL MATURITY – (REPRODUCTION/MULTIPLICATION) 1. The purpose is to help youth reproduce spiritual maturity in the lives of others 2. Results from the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Level 4 youth 3. You must recognize these Level 5 youth and provide opportunities for spiritual leadership and sharing in a much higher level of responsibility in the work of the ministry. VIII. The Result of a Proper Philosophy of Youth Ministry: The methods and programs will have specific purpose leading to a measurable level of spiritual maturity! IX. YOUTH LEADERSHIP STYLES: A. ASCETIC approach – (Standoffish) 1. Causes: a. insecurity b. legalism 2. Results: a. youth feel alienated from you b. youth don’t seek your counsel B. BUDDY approach – (“Friendly Freddie”) 1. Causes: a. insecurity b. immaturity 2. Results: immediate following; a. unwise conduct b. poor adult/parent relations c. eventual loss of respect as youth leader d. short-term ministry C. PASTORAL approach- Friendship based upon my role as pastor; (It is a combination of both A & B: controlled closeness and distance) 1. Causes: understanding of qualifications in I Tim. 3:1-7 2. Results: a. slower growth b. lasting results (because of depth) c. strong adult/parent relationships d. have respect of youth e. long-term ministry X. Defining the Youth Pastor – fourfold definition: A. The youth pastor is an EXTENSION of the senior pastor into the lives of the church’s youth. B. The youth pastor is EQUAL IN CALLING to the senior pastor C. The youth pastor is SUBORDINATE IN ROLE to the senior pastor. D. The youth pastorate is predominately a LIFELONG CALLING IN VOCATION AND LOCATION! Some WRONG concepts (MYTHS) about the youth ministry: 1. The youth ministry is a stepping-stone to the “regular” pastorate 2. Anyone staying on as a youth pastor longer than 18 months to 2 years, is not growing, or is a “reject” from the “real” ministry. 3. Youth ministry is “playing minister” -not “real work.” 4. Youth ministry is just “babysitting” – and “not important.” (“Just give them a couple of basketballs and let them play in the parking lot.”) 5. “YOUTH DON’T MATTER; THEY’RE NOT ‘REAL’ PEOPLE!” 6. YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSE TO HAVE F U N IN YOUTH MEETINGS. 7. “YOUTH MINISTRY IS NOTHING SPECIAL; it’s just like sunday school, so we DON’T need it!” 8. Women cannot be effective in youth ministry. XI. IDENTIFYING A CALL TO MINISTRY: A. It is NOT based upon: 1. the scope of proportion of need 2. personal greed (thinking it’s not hard, dedicated work) 3. emotion 4. a strong challenge 5. peer pressure B. IT IS based upon: 1. The study of God’s Word. 2. an intense desire to service 3. the leadership of the Holy Spirit: (you don’t feel qualified- so the Holy Spirit gets credit). 4. prayer intercession before the Heavenly Father 5. the unfolding of circumstances: (this is progressive in nature).
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