Almighty God, heavenly Father, I ac-
knowledge Thy goodness, which is renewed
unto me this morning. “When I lay in de-
fenceless sleep Thy power was beneath me,
and Thy protection around me. While
others have spent the night in sighs and
tears, in restlessness and painful watchings,
in sickness and in struggles with death,
Thou hast granted unto me a comfortable
and refreshing repose. Blessed be Thy
name, O Lord of my life, for all Thy good-
ness and love toward me.

Defend me, O Lord, this day, from all mo-
tions of sin in my own heart, and from all
hurtful influences from the world and evil
spirits. In my greatest temptations be
Thou nearest to me by Thy sustaining and
conquering power; and as Thou, blessed
Saviour, didst overcome the Tempter in the
wilderness, so do Thou overcome his wiles
in me by Thy victorious grace.

Grant me, O Lord, the spirit of cheerful
resignation to Thy good and holy will, amid
all the changes of this mortal life; that I
may be patient in adversity; thankful in
prosperity; and in all things which shall
hereafter befall me may place my firm trust
in my faithful God and Father, believing
that nothing shall separate me from His

Grant me grace to be just and upright in
all my dealings; quiet and peaceable among
my neighbors; full of compassion towards
the needy and afflicted; and ever ready to
do good to all men, according to the abilities
and opportunities which Thou shalt give me.
That so walking faithfully before Thee all
my days, and being found watching when-
ever my appointed time shall come, I may,
from a life of grace, be translated into a life
of glory; through the merits and mediation
of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.