O Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God,
who wast given both to be a sacrifice for sin
and also an example of godly life, who didst
bid us take up our cross daily and follow
Thee; make, I beseech Thee, the yoke of
Thy commandments easy, and the burden
of Thy cross light unto me. Conform me, O
Lord, to the likeness of Thy passion. Give
me grace, eternal Father, that I may keep
the way of the holy cross, and carry in my
heart the image of Jesus crucified. Enable
me cheerfully to resign myself to Thy divine
will, that, being fashioned after His life-
giving death, I may die daily according to
the flesh, and live according to the spirit of
righteousness: through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
I daresay the devil finds himself at home in Hades. But if he could be converted into a seraph, he would not stop in hell for an hour. He would never want to go there again for pleasure. Of that I am certain. And when a man who professes to be converted says that he goes into the world and into sin for pleasure, it is as if an angel went into hell for enjoyment.
C.H. Spurgeon