US Turns its Back for Big Business while China Violates Basic Human Rights

by Glen on 2002-09-28 08:14:28

The Voice of the Martyrs has learned 10-leaders of the South China Church
have received prison sentences from three to eight years for starting an
unregistered children’s Sunday School. The Yun Yang County People’s Court in
the city of Chongoing, Sichuan Province, handed the decision down last May
14th. VOM sources in China have only recently learned of the verdict against
the SCC leaders.

The names, ages and sentences of those imprisoned are as follows:

Yumei Lu, 27-years, eight-year sentence. She was organizing the school.

Qion Ling Yi, 21-years. She was given a seven-year sentence.

Xitao Zhao, 28-years. He was given a seven-year sentence.

Shuang Yu Xiang, 29-years. She was also sentenced to seven years.

Mengyu Tang, 27-years. She received a six-year sentence.

Daoxing Shen, 61-years. He was given a five-year sentence.

Jiang Mao Chen, 70-years. He awaited sentencing in prison for 10-months. This
senior citizen received a four year sentence.

Changlan Pu, 46-years. She was sentenced to three-years with a four-year

Mingying He, 41-years. She also received three-years with a four-year

Shigui Tan, 41-years. Brother Tan was sentenced to 3-years with a four year

“These sentences are outrageous-especially the imprisonment of brother Chen,
the elderly man who just wants to teach young Chinese about Jesus before he
dies,” said Lane.”Americans need to pray for these imprisoned Christians,
but should also let the Chinese government know how they feel about this
violation of basic human rights.”

VOM also confirms a report that 44-year old Catholic Bishop Wei Jingyi was
arrested earlier this month in Heilongjiang Province. Bishop Wei is one of
approximately 50-bishops leading the underground Roman Catholic Church in
China. He was previously imprisoned in several labor camps during the 80’s
and 90’s.