God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
[When suffering] you need to seek help. This help comes first and finally from the living God. He hears, helps, strengthens, and vindicates those who rely on Him. If you look anywhere else first, you will set yourself up for a fall. You will get snared in bitterness and revenge (spurning God for your pride). You will flee in avoidance and addiction (spurning God for your false refuges and comforts). You will develop a perverted dependency on others (spurning God for your trust in man). Sadly, our culture has awakened countless people to think about what evil-doers (“abusers”) have done to them, but it has cast them upon their own resources as “abuse victims.” Yet victims can properly understand their own sins and sufferings, and God’s grace.
David Powlison
Iraq (Apr. 15, 2004) - U.S. Navy Chaplain, Lt. Cmdr. Lulrick Balzora, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Fourteen (NMCB-14), prepares to baptize Construction Mechanic Kyle Ellis. Balzora baptized several members assigned to NMCB-14 and NMCB-74 using a 2.5 cubic yard front-end loader bucket as an improvised baptismal. NMCB-14 and NMCB-74 are currently deployed in Iraq supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). U.S. Navy photo by Builder 2nd Class Jerome Kirkland (RELEASED)
(Acts 16:30.)
THIS question is sincerely asked by the sinner. Va-
rious preachers will point out various ways. He
naturally becomes disgusted with the confusion in the
religious world. He picks up his New Testament. He
has already finished the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John; and he wonders if the whole thing is a
myth. He opens to the Book of Acts. He reads the
first chapter and finds it very interesting. He reads
the second ; and, to his amazement, he finds a multitude
of people asking the same question he has been asking,
"Sirs, what must we do?" (Acts 2: 37). He finds the
answer in the very next verse (Acts 2: 38). He reads
the book through, and at the end of it he has found
out the Way.
Let us examine the representative conversions in
1 Acts and study them as a whole. This is the only way
we can study the Bible honestly. We must allow Scrip-
tures to explain Scriptures. What was done in the days
of the apostles should be done to-day. The way is said
to be very plain (Isa. 35: 8).
1. The three thousand (Acts 2).
a. Heard Peter's sermon (vs. 14-36).
b. Believed (v. 37). They were convicted of cru-
cifying the Christ.
c. Repented (v. 38). They showed their repentance by their baptism.
d. Were baptized (vs. 38, 41).
2. The Samaritans (Acts 8).
a. Heard Philip's preaching (vs. 5, 6).
b. Believed (v. 12).
c. Were baptized (v. 12).
3. The eunuch (Acts 8). A typical example of con-
a. Heard Philip's preaching (v. 35).
b. Believed (v. 37).
c. Confessed his faith (v. 37).
d. Was baptized (vs. 36-39), and went on his
way rejoicing.
4. Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9, 22 and 26).
a. Heard what to do from Ananias (9:6-17;
22:14, 15).
b. Believed (9:6; 26:19).
c. Repented (9:8-11; 26:19).
d. Was baptized (9:18; 22:16).
5. Cornelius and his household (Acts 10).
a. Heard the gospel from Peter (vs. 34-43).
b. Were baptized (vs. 47, 48).
6. Lydia and her household (Acts 16).
a. Heard the Word from Paul (v. 14) .
b. Were baptized (v. 15).
7. The Philippian jailor and his household (Acts 16).
a. Heard the "Word (v. 32).
b. Believed (v. 31).
c. Were baptized (v. 33) the same hour of the
8. The Corinthians (Acts 18).
a. Heard; b. Believed; and c. Were baptized
Thus we see that in every instance there is special
mention of faith and baptism. Why? Because faith is
the first thing necessary to salvation, and baptism is the
last step in the process.
In several instances there is no mention of repen-
tance whatever. Repentance is turning to God. Faith
and repentance are both demonstrated by baptism.
Where there is no special mention of faith or repen-
tance, there is always an unmistakable inference of both
in the willingness of the person or persons to be
So we can readily see the process. They heard the
gospel ; believed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of
God; confessed their faith, and were baptized into
Christ. Note the simplicity of the plan.
The apostles were commissioned to preach the gospel
and baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. Thus we can see that they fulfilled the com-
mission. If you are
1. An unbeliever, or a heathen, like the Philippian
jailor, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 16:
31) would be the command.
2. A believer, as were the three thousand on the day
of Pentecost, you must "repent, and be baptized in
the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your
sins" (Acts 2: 38).
3. A penitent believer, like Saul of Tarsus, you must
"arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, call-
ing on the name of the Lord" (Acts 22: 16).
4. A baptized penitent believer, you must "give all
diligence to make your calling and election sure" (2
Pet. 1:5-11).
5. Or a backslider, like the prodigal son in the par-
able, come to your senses; and, with an open confes-
sion of sin, in a humble, contrite spirit, implore the
Father's forgiveness (Luke 15).
When God outlines a program for man to perform,
man must fulfill every item in the program to obtain
the end desired. For instance, Joshua before the walls
of Jericho, and Naaman the leper. The law of restora-
tion is just as positive and unchangeable as the law
that brings the oak from the acorn. Salvation is not
enjoyed until the last item in the law is fulfilled.