What Does It Mean To Be A Chris
What does it mean to be a CHRISTIAN?
Many ÿof us do not seem to have a clear idea of what a ÿCHRISTIAN really is. Generally, we think there is a set of rules which, ÿif kept faithfully, ÿwill make a person a CHRISTIAN. Some of us feel that if our good deeds outweigh our bad deeds, God will “let” ÿus into heaven..
In ÿthe ÿBIBLE certain words are used in connection with being ÿa CHRISTIAN ÿthat should be defined so everyone will ÿknow ÿexactly what it means to become a CHRISTIAN.
Have ÿyou ÿever heard the word CONVERTED? ÿThis ÿmeans ÿto ÿ”turn around.” ÿÿWe ÿare going in one direction and by what ÿthe ÿBIBLE calls REPENTANCE, ÿwe turn and go in the opposite direction. ÿÿBy nature ÿEVERYONE is going the wrong way – the way of sin – and we must be “turned around”, or CONVERTED. There are two BIBLE verses that show this very clearly. ÿJEREMIAH 10:23 ÿsays, ÿ”I know that the ÿway of man is not in himself: ÿit is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.”
And Matthew 18:3 tells us, “Except ye be CONVERTED, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”
Sometimes we talk about being SAVED. ÿWhat does this mean? ÿTo be saved ÿmeans ÿto ÿbe rescued from what we are in our ÿold ÿsinful nature, ÿand to be made what God wants us to be, ÿso that ÿbefore HIM we are without sin. ÿJESUS said that He came “to seek and ÿto save that which was lost” (LUKE 19:10)
His part in redemption was to pay the price of sin, ÿand our part is ÿto ÿplace ÿour confidence and trust in HIM ÿas ÿour ÿpersonal SAVIOR. ÿÿWhen we do this, ÿwe can claim GOD’S promise ÿthat ÿ”In (Him) ÿÿwe ÿhave redemption … ÿeven the forgiveness ÿof ÿsins.” (Ephesians 1:7)
Another phrase found in the Bible is that of being BORN AGAIN. In the ÿthird chapter of JOHN, ÿJESUS said, ÿ”Except a man ÿbe ÿBORN AGAIN, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (verse 3)
What did JESUS mean by that?
We ÿrespond and act like human beings because we received a human nature ÿfrom ÿour ÿparents. ÿSo, ÿto have the ÿnature ÿthat ÿacts according to the will of God, we must be BORN into HIS family and receive HIS nature. This is exactly what happens when we are BORN AGAIN. We are placed into God’s family; we are made HIS children. The BIBLE says it this way: ÿ”Therefore if any man be in ÿCHRIST, he is a new creature: ÿold things are passed away; ÿbehold, ÿÿall things become new.” (II Corinthians 5:17)
Now, ÿÿlet’s ÿdiscuss ÿthe words RECEIVING ÿCHRIST. ÿÿTo ÿreceive something means to take, ÿto accept, to trust in, ÿor to believe. In the CHRISTIAN life it means to accept SOMEONE; ÿand that ÿONE, of course, ÿis JESUS CHRIST, God’s Son. ÿYou heard the invitation of ÿthe Lord, ÿ”Come unto me, ÿall ye that travail and are ÿheavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28), you turned from your ÿsinful ÿway (repentance) ÿand you received JESUS CHRIST ÿas your PERSONAL Savior.
Are ÿyou ÿa CHRISTIAN? ÿAre you SAVED? ÿHave you ever ÿbeen ÿBORN AGAIN? ÿHave you ever RECEIVED CHRIST?” ÿAnd they have ÿanswered, “Well, I belong to a church … I do as many good things as I can … I think I am as good as anybody … I must be saved!.”
Going to church, ÿbeing good and doing good deeds are fine, ÿÿbut these things do not give ETERNAL LIFE. ÿThe Bible teaches that to be SAVED – to be a CHRISTIAN, to be BORN AGAIN, to be CONVERTED – YOU MUST RECEIVE JESUS CHRIST AS SAVIOR from YOUR sin. ÿHE is the ONE ÿwho ÿdied for us (Romans 5:6). ÿHE is the ONE who ÿLIVES ÿin heaven and speaks to GOD on our behalf EVERY day (I Timothy 2:5)
Suppose an angel should SUDDENLY stand before you and ask, ÿÿ”Are you ready to meet GOD?” What would YOUR answer be?
If you are not CERTAIN, ÿinvite JESUS CHRIST into your heart ÿand life RIGHT NOW.
Make CERTAIN that YOU know what it means to be a CHRISTIAN.
You can pray a prayer RIGHT NOW to do just THAT, by repeating the following prayer and meaning it in your heart. ÿIt doesn’t matter if ÿyou close your eyes or not, ÿGod only wants your heart to ÿbe true:
“Lord ÿJesus, ÿÿcome ÿinto ÿmy life and my ÿheart. ÿÿI ÿÿdo ÿnow acknowledge ÿmy ÿsins and accept you as my ÿpersonal ÿsavior. ÿÿI acknowledge ÿyou as the Living Son of God, ÿand Lord. ÿI ÿÿhereby commit my life to you for eternity.”
Leave ÿa ÿmessage ÿfor SYSOP, ÿleave name and address ÿand ÿphone number so that we can get some materials to you and help you grow in this NEW LIFE and experience.
This ÿarticle ÿis from the Computers for ÿChrist ÿ(408-997-2790), another BBS ministry.)