What You Need To Know About Por Title: What YOU need to know about Pornography! Text: Selected Tracing: Preached October 25, 1992 AM (National Pornography Awareness Sunday) at SDCC.
Today begins the National Pornography Awareness Week
- Pornography should be avoided by the Christian
- It is tantamount to adultery. Mt. 5:27-28
One of the major points of the sermon on the Mount is that behind physical sins is a deeper spiritual reality which is equally significant. Behind murder is hatred, behind adultery is lust, etc. Further, hatred hidden in one’s heart is just as sinful as hatred manifested in murder and lust hidden in one’s heart is just as sinful as lust manifested in adultery.
This is not simply a passing thought but the cultivation of such thoughts. As in anger there is an element of unavoidable natural and physical response — that element is weakness but it is not sin. What is sinful is an improper response to that physical impulse. ILLUSTRATE with anger.
Pornography has no other purpose for its existence than the cultivation of lustful thoughts. Thus it is equivalent in the eyes of God to adultery.
- It is poison to the mind. Phil. 4:8 Col 3:1-2
Scripture repeatedly tells us how we are to discipline our minds — we are to abstain from evil, avoid evil, flee from evil, and consider the good and pure, to set our minds on things above. We certainly SHOULD NOT deliberately contemplate things that we know would displease God and that we never intend to do. By allowing our minds to dwell on such things, we only make it more likely that we someday will fail in that area!
- It is tantamount to adultery. Mt. 5:27-28
- Pornography should be avoided by the Christian
Dr. Victor Cline, Prof. of Psych. at U. of Utah has spent much of his time researching the effects of porn. He find a four-step syndrome: 1) Addiction – physical and psychological 2) Escalation – requires rougher, more bizarre, more deviant or more explicit imagery to produce the desired “turn-on” 3) Desensitization – what once would have been shocking and repulsive is now seen as common place (“everybody’s doing it”) 4) Acting out – An appetite has been developed, the conscience has been desensitized, and depravity has been legitimized — now the process culminates in imitation! So as Christians we should avoid porn. So what? We all knew that. Why get all stirred up about it? Just because Christians should not engage in a given activity does not always mean we should prevent non-Christians from participating. But in this case there is more. Not only must we as Christians avoid it, as concerned citizens WE MUST FIGHT IT?
2. Pornography should be opposed by the Concerned Citizen
- It Contributes to many of the ills of society
- Promiscuity – it glamorizes a “no-strings-attached” approach to sexuality. Accompanying problems: STDs, Teen pregnancies, etc.
- Divorce – it creates unrealistic expectations, ideals, & pressures and lowers commitment to faithfulness in marriage.
- Sexual Crimes – rape, incest, sexual molestation of children, sex-related serial murders
- It is ALREADY Illegal!
Society has rendered its judment through our legislature, then turns its head, falsely assuming that enforcement will be automatic. The courts have said pornography is NOT protected speech — thus we can legislate it. Our state legislature has seen the harm it can do and made it illegal. But only when at least a significant minority of the public cries out against it will pornography be driven out of our community!
That verdict by our legislature is the Right one! Consider what the studies show:
- Exposure to even soft-core pornography leads to decreased respect for women and greater tolerance for sexual crimes. Study asked five groups to assign penalties for rapists after viewing different types of materials.
- Exposure to non-violent porn creates an increased interest in violent porn.
- There is a correlation between high circulation rates of pornographic magazines and high rape rates (Alaska #1, and Nevada #2 in both categories).
- Pornography is involved with the vast majority of ALL child molestation cases — used to “soften” the victims.
- Rape rates decline when pornography is removed from a city.
There is more — but I needn’t go on.
This morning we will have a dual commitment time — first, an opportunity to begin or recommit yourself to a relationship with the Lord as we sing our decision hymn. Then I want to talk to you briefly about committing to the fight against this blight on our community.
Will you commit yourself to guarding your mind? To training yourself to think in His ways? Are you ready to committ yourself to a walk with Him?
- HYMN —
Will you make a commitment this morning? Those who have attended, stand. Those who will (God permitting) attend, stand. Those who will pray, and speak out for us when given an opportunity, stand.
D. COMMENTS Prepared by Scott L. Purcell Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church 1501 Stokelan Drive Malden, MO 63863 (314) 276-2343 Reproduce, modify, and use freely for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom! If these outlines are of some benefit to you, a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!