This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series The Priority of Worship

Worship 15

.HEAD 1 + Title: The Priority of Worship Text: Selected
Tracing: Preached December 29, 1991 AM at SDCC.


Have you enjoyed the Christmas season? I have — Kid’s Musical, Cantata, both went great, our family celebration went well (despite flu!). This has been a good Christmas for us. But it was hectic! I’m ready for a change of gears — ready for things to move at a slower pace!

One of the risks we face in times of hectic activity like Christmas is the tendency to lose sight of what we really are here for. Illus. — Wedding party with wallflower bride.

In order to counteract that tendency, we are going to shift gears and spend several weeks on a study of a topic so fundamental that we tend to take it for granted — WORSHIP!

The word “worship” simply means “to ascribe worth to someone”. Worship is affirming the supreme value of God, acknowledging His superiority. It takes place in many ways: verbal expressions to God, verbal expressions to others, the demonstration of our actions, etc.

Consider — by choosing to be here today (when you could have been doing any of a multitude of other things) you have demonstrated the value you place on God. When you speak of Christ to a friend, even though it makes you uncomfortable, you have ascribed worth to Him. When you spend time in God’s Word…

But also vice versa! When you choose other activities, when you choose your own comfort, etc., you also worship — those other things!

When viewed broadly — worship is the most important thing we do! And it incorporates all of the rest of the Christian life!

.HEAD 2 + We Worship because we were created for it. Ne 9:6 You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.

Gen 1-3

.HEAD 2 + We Worship because we were set apart for it (Both Israel and the church were called out to worship!) Ex. 3:12 4:22-23 Lu 19:10 Jo 4:23

God is seeking people to be worshippers! It is for that purpose that Paul says he preached!

.HEAD 2 + We Worship in response to the Incarnation Ps 22 (esp. v.22-26) Worship is the prophesied response to the crucifixion. The Magi, those seeking healing, witnesses to His miracles, the apostles: All worshipped Jesus — it is an appropriate response! Rev. 5:13 — everyone worships Jesus!

How, with all this worship being offered to Jesus and accepted by Him, can some still say that He never taught that He was Divine?

.HEAD 2 + We Worship in preparation for Heaven Rev. 21:1-5a 22:1-5

Our presence there will be because we have acknowledged His Supreme Worth, our every action will testify to the fact that there is no one else like Him. But our worship there will not be in contradiction to our lifestyle here!

Ps 24:3 Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false. 5 He will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God his Saviour.

.HEAD 1 + Prepared by Scott L. Purcell Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church 1501 Stokelan Drive Malden, MO 63863 (314) 276-2343 Reproduce, modify, and use freely for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom! If these outlines are of some benefit to you, a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!

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