There must be a dread about the minister; one which works in such a way as to render him wholly dependent upon the Spirit of God to communicate the Word of God through him by means of his message. There must be a complete reliance on God and an utter destitute of self, or the pulpit is nothing more than an exercise in futility. If a preacher does not see this, then he is no preacher. If a preacher does not live this, he is not called to preach. Butterflies before preaching a sermon is not a warrant for understanding the weightiness of the task at hand. You can get butterflies before you speak at a bar-b-que. There must be a day-to-day cry from the closet of the preacher to the throne room of heaven, a besieging of heaven with a holy fervor that this man knows he is unable to bring any good to the people lest God is with him.
C. Matthew McMahon