MATT. xi. 3.
“Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another.”

THE question does not imply any failure of faith in Christ;
it implies a doubt whether the true nature of the purpose
and work of Christ had been perfectly understood. That
John should have sent to Christ Himself to resolve the
doubt, shows that his faith in Christ was unshaken. There
are times when, through the disappointments and failures
of our personal religious lives, it may be necessary to look
for another Christ than the Christ we have already known.
I. There are some who have been restless for months,
perhaps for years, about their sin. They have appealed to
Christ again and again, and the peace of Christ has not
come to them. They are tempted to put this question
Christ may reply, by pointing them to the great triumphs
of His mercy with which they are surrounded. Go to
Christ with all your trouble and with a clear and vivid
remembrance of His death, and you cannot put this
II. Some feel that their Christian life, has not had the
power and brightness they hoped for. This also often
arises from a defective knowledge of Christ. Perhaps you
have forgotten that Christ is not only a Saviour but a
Prince, and that you must accept His law as the rule of
your life, and strive to get His will done on earth as the
will of God is done in heaven.
III. This question may be suggested by the general
condition and history of the world. A large part of the
world is still unsaved. The misery Jesus came to console
remains largely unconsoled. Do you look for another
Christ? Can the contents of His revelation be anyhow
enriched? Can there be more careful warnings, more
glorious promises, more compassion, more gentleness and
beauty, than we have seen?
IV. We do not look for the coming of another Christ,
but the Christ whom we know will come in another form,
to complete in power and majesty the work which He began
in weakness and in shame. R. W. Dale, D.D.