MATT. xi. 29. “Learn of Me.”
JESUS is the Great Teacher, but that will be of no avail
unless we are also great learners. We may “learn of,” or,
as the word means, “from Christ,”—
I. By listening to His direct teachings.
As a teacher Jesus is authoritative. He made statements
regarding things—those of the unseen world, for instance—
which were to be received because He made them. Yet
He never frowned upon inquiry into the truth of what He
II. By contemplating His character we learn of Christ.
Teaching by precept and teaching by example has each its
place, but the teaching of the latter is the more attractive.
In Jesus we see everything that belongs to the ideal excel-
lence of our nature, so that to be Christlike is to be
III. We learn of Christ from the practical, experiences
of the Christian life.
To get the full benefit of Christ’s teaching, it is not
enough that we “sit at His feet and hear His words.”
There must be the taking up of His yoke, which is easy,
and His burden, which is light. There must be the
growing like Christ, as well as the gaining of acquaintance
with His life. The whole every-day practice of our reli-
gion is a constant learning of Christ, just as the constant
practice of speaking and writing is the learning of a lan-
It is written that “he that increaseth knowledge in-
creaseth sorrow,” but the happy effect of “learning of
Christ” is that we “find rest to our souls.”
Walter Morrison, D.D.