You are currently viewing LifeMark – the movie

There are points in life, where we’re faced with life-changing decisions.  Choices that weigh the heart of mankind – that give life, or take life.

After having three children of our own, my wife and I chose to offer ourselves as Foster Parents in 2010, with a hope of adopting a child in need of a “forever home”.  We did eventually adopt, and did have an impact on multiple children through the years.  As those youth near adulthood, they are constantly in our prayers as they face the decisions that decide the outcome and value of life.

The critical thing to remember, is that a selfish mistake CAN be avoided – but if that doesn’t happen, Jesus offers a way back from a dead-end road.  He chose to offer his own life to buy our lives back – an incredibly selfless act.  Your life is worth THAT much to him.  His hope is that your life will be full of value, and joyful – a daily relationship with Him can keep you off those dead-end roads.

And that is the core message of LifeMark; a great movie – out this week only in theaters near you.