On June 27, 1959, Rev. William Gill, a missionary and teacher, walked out of the dining hall of his missionary school at Boiani, New Guinea, looked up and saw a large, shining object. Rev. Gill was joined by 28 other adult witnesses, including five teachers and two medical assistants, who all signed a statement attesting to the reality of the incident.

The strange craft hovered close to the observers, accompanied by two other UFOs. Four humanoid creatures appeared on top of the object. Gill and several of the others began waving their arms. Two of the creatures returned the greeting, waving their “arms.” Gill and his friends observed the UFO from 6:45 to 7:20 p.m. when the object finally took off and disappeared.*

One evening in 1961 Barney and Betty Hill were driving along a deserted highway when they saw an unidentified flying object apparently following them. As they pulled their car over and stopped, the UFO landed and took them aboard. The Hills had no memory of what took place and simply found themselves again in their car.

In one of the most baffling aspects of this case, Betty Hill, under hypnosis, reproduced a star map which had been shown to her by the UFO’s commander. The map consisted of 27 stars, several of which were unknown to astronomers and the others difficult to place in known star configurations. This was immediately assumed as evidence of the falsity of the entire story.

In 1969, though, Marjorie Fish, research specialist for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), found many of the stars located in the constellation Reticulum. By 1972, all the stars had been located. In effect, Betty Hill, a housewife, had drawn a diagram in 1964 of star configurations that were completely unknown to astronomers until 1972.**

Even the Air Force, and in fact, the White House, are not immune to UFO sightings. On July 20, 1952, several UFOs were picked up on radar — directly over the nation’s Capitol. As would be expected, jet fighters manned by ace pilots were scrambled to intercept the objects. While the whole scene was being monitored on radar, the jets entered the vicinity of the UFOs, only to have them escape at a speed of several thousand miles per hour. The mystified pilots were called in.

However, the night was still young. The UFOs returned several times and each time the fighters were sent to meet them. When the planes got close, the UFOs would take off at their phenomenal speed. This cat and mouse game continued until almost daybreak.

A few days later, the mysterious blips again appeared on radar. Once more, jets were scrambled to pursue them. This time, the UFOs surrounded one of the planes and flew with it in full view of the pilot for several seconds before making their getaway. This was confirmed by ground radar tracking.***

History of UFOs

Increased public interest in spiritual phenomena has made UFOs common knowledge and the subject of intense research. Since the development of radar and sophisticated air forces, thousands of UFO sightings have been discovered and verified. Today they can no longer be explained away. UFOs are out of the natural realm and because of their sensational nature, they have created their own cult following. As Christians, we should have some kind of intelligent answer.

There is no need for Christians to get nervous over UFOs or have their faith shaken. The Bible has always spoken about evil supernatural forces and acknowledged supernatural occurrences which were separate from God.

UFOs are nothing new. Ancient Hindu literature refers to celestial cars and flying discs. Several very distinguished Roman historians such as Tacitus, Seneca, and Pliny mentioned UFO sightings in the third and fourth century B.C. Eight specific locations of sightings dating up to 16 B.C. are given by Titus Libins and Julius Obsequeno.

The great explorer Christopher Columbus saw an unidentified light moving up and down the sky the night before he discovered land on his famous voyage. 1896-97 saw one of the major UFO flaps (heavy concentration of sightings in a given time period) in history.****

What are UFOs and where do they come from? Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a world famous ufologist and head of Northwestern University’s Astronomy Department, Astronaut James McDivitt, Marine Corps Major Donald Keyhoe and many other researchers believe the UFOs are probably interplanetary spacecraft manned by intelligent beings. Their hypothesis is based on such examples as the Pascogoula, Mississippi incident.

On October 11, 1973, two shipyard workers, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, were fishing when a UFO landed close to them. They were “floated” into the craft where they were examined by humanoids with strange equipment, then let go after some twenty minutes had passed. No one has ever come up with justifiable evidence that the incident was a hoax or a simple hallucination.

An incredible outgrowth of this thinking is the popular “Chariots of the Gods?” idea expounded by Erich Von Daniken.

Von Daniken, a self-proclaimed expert in nearly everything, postulates that spacemen visited the earth in ancient history, teaching people and helping them produce certain mysterious wonders, such as the Great Pyramid, the highly civilized Mayan culture, and the Nazca lines. Dr. Clifford Wilson, Ph.D. and former director of the Australian Institute of Archaeology, brings up many problems and inconsistencies in Von Daniken’s conjectures.

Wilson charges that Von Daniken is at odds with the sciences of archaeology and anthropology as he ignores common plausible explanations and substitutes his own wild assertions. Von Daniken presents certain isolated facts to the uneducated public and then asks “What does it look like to you?” It’s a good thing we don’t approach medical science in that way.

Operation Cover Up

The U.S. government has initiated four major reports since 1947 to investigate UFOs. The results of the 1947 Project Sign revealed the validity of UFO sightings and offered the tentative explanation of extraterrestrial spacecraft. Out of the unpopular reception of these results by Air Force hierarchy, Project Grudge in 1949 was born. Grudge proceeded to discredit sightings as hallucinations or hoaxes and to provide natural explanations.

Despite the negative viewpoint established by Grudge, continued and increased UFO sightings necessitated Project Bluebook. Bluebook’s purpose was to gather additional data for analysis. Each time the UFOs were spotted on radar, jets would scramble in pursuit of the “natural phenomenon.”

During the famous New York blackouts of November, 1965, there were several UFO sightings including a rather dramatic one by actor Stewart Whitman. He looked out the window of his 12th story hotel suite and saw two shining discs. A voice came from the objects with a warning that the space visitors had perpetrated the blackouts as a small example of their power to paralyze our world.*****

Shortly after the blackouts in 1966-68, the government instituted the controversial Condon Report. It came up with the startling conclusion that all UFO sightings that cannot be explained by natural phenomena are paraphysical manifestations similar to those experienced in spiritism.

Who Are Those Guys?

John Keel, another foremost ufologist, agrees in part with the Condon Report, that UFOs cannot be explained in terms of manufactured spacecraft from other planets and are most likely deceiving spirits playing games with mankind. States Keel, “Demonology is not just another crackpotology… thousands of books have been written on the subject, many of them authored by educated clergymen, scientists and scholars, and uncounted numbers of well-documented demonic events are readily available to every researcher. The manifestations and occurrences described in this imposing literature are similar, if not entirely identical, to the UFO phenomenon itself.”

The UFO contact reports seem extremely similar to spirit manifestations experienced by mediums. They seem to have no consistent form. There are almost as many different descriptions of UFOs as there are detailed sightings. The tremendous speed and maneuverability of these objects defies all known natural laws operating in our realm. We cannot scientifically conceive of any being or material that could survive the gravitational shock of a 90 degree turn made at 5,000 miles per hour.

Uri Geller, sensational occult personality and keybender extraordinaire, claims that his unusual powers come from extra-terrestrial beings. In experiments with Dr. Andrija Puharich, an Israeli physician, Geller functioned as a medium for creatures supposedly from “Hoova,” a distant planet, to communicate with Dr. Puharich.****** This is not an isolated incident. In the files of contact cases, there are many examples of trances, contactees being used as “mediums,” paralysis, hypnotism, etc.

Christian UFO researchers such as Dr. Walter Martin and Dr. Wilson propose by theory that UFOs are demons, who can assume material forms temporarily, and whose goal it is to confuse, deceive, and prepare mankind for the coming of the anti-Christ. They point to the many false prophecies and the anti-Christian theology usually included in the messages by UFO occupants. If UFOs are demon manifestations, where do they come from?

Powers of the Air?

A great host of angelic beings led by Lucifer (or Satan) were defeated in an attempt to usurp God’s authority and were confined to the atmospheric heavens of earth awaiting God’s final judgment. (Ez. 28:11-19, Isaiah 14:12- 17, Eph. 2:2, Rev. 12:7-12).

Christians are instructed to put on God’s whole armor so that they can “stand up against (all) the strategies and deceits of the devil. For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood — contending only with physical opponents — but against the despotisms, against the powers, against (the master spirits who are) the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.” (Eph. 6:11b,12)

Christians have authority over all evil spiritual beings. Jesus said, “Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)

In I John 4:1-3, we are told not to believe every spirit, but to test them to see whether they are of God. The scriptural test is, “By this you may know (perceive and recognize) the Spirit of God: every spirit which acknowledges and confesses (the fact) that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, (actually) has become man and has come in the flesh is of God — has God for its source.

“And every spirit which does not acknowledge and confess that Jesus Christ has come int the flesh (but would annul, destroy, sever, disunite Him) is not of God — does not proceed from Him. This (non-confession) is the spirit of anti-Christ, (of) which you heard that it was coming, and now it is already in the world.”

The Great Deception

In what category does this leave the UFO? These supposedly “interstellar” visitors tell us their life span is thousands of years or that they are immortal. They speak of their advanced civilization where everything is perfect. For example, Uri Geller’s cosmic companions from “Hoova” claim to have solved all life’s problems and are willing to share their knowledge with mankind. Other “intergalactic” representatives give ominous warnings of doom for earth and her citizens.

Finally, and most important, UFO messages have denied a supernatural, all-powerful God who works in individual lives, instead offering a do-ityourself program for perfection and immortality.

This non-confession of Jesus Christ and God’s plan of salvation for us classifies UFOs of the spirit of anti-Christ. UFOs present a diversion keeping us from the reality of our spiritual crisis and the reality of the living God.

In contrast with the facts on UFOs, we have unified historical evidence and testimony of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. While UFOs are doing cute maneuvers in the skies and talking about interplanetary organizations. Jesus teaches of love, peace, honesty, self-control, helping the poor, justice…the very things we desperately need. Beyond that, He offers to make these things a living reality in our lives through an individual, personal relationship with Himself.

Rather than hiding and playing games with man, the Lord has offered Himself for us and opened His kingdom to us. He made it simple, as simple as turning from our sinfulness and asking Jesus into our lives. Realistically, the UFO question may never be answered once and for all. In the meantime, we have much more important things to deal with.


  • Frank B. Salisbury, “The Scientist and the UFO,” Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects: Hearing before the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives (Washington, D.C., 1968), p. 244.
    • John Weldon with Zola Levitt, UFO’s: What on Earth is Happening? (Irvine, Calif., 1975), p. 137.
      • Ibid., pp. 35, 36.
        • Ibid., pp. 23,25.
          • John A. Keel, UFO’s…Operation Trojan Horse, p. 198, as found in Dr. Clifford Wilson, UFO’s and Their Mission Impossible (New York, 1974), pp. 96, 97.
            • Weldon, op. cit., p. 112.

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