Tips From Toddlers


  1. Please don’t walk so fast when we go places together – my legs are short and I can’t keep up with your long legs. Besides, there are many things I need to see and investigate along the way.
  2. My attention span is short – lots of things last too long – like shopping and visiting and sometimes even the games you play with me.
  3. When I’m frightened of a big dog or something, please pick me up and hold me; that helps more than telling me you won’t let anything hurt me.
  4. Sometimes it would be nice if you would talk to me, explain why we have to do things, or tell me what is going to happen ahead of time when it is something new to me – then I’ll know what to do. Sometimes, you might have a conversation with me about anything; it would make me feel I belonged to this family, too.
  5. Sometimes big people get in such a hurry they tell me about six things all at the same time. I get confused when people say things like: “This afternoon we’re going to grandmothers, get your coat, finish your lunch, choose what toy you want to take, wash your hands, and what shoes do you have on?”
  6. I have trouble sitting in the car even when you keep telling me to, ’cause it’s not very interesting to look at the back of the seat or that dashboard thing – I’m too litle to see what’s outside and sit down like you want me too. While we’re on the subject sometimes my neck hurts trying to see what’s on the dining room table or looking at big people’s faces. Please put me on a chair or you bend down to me.
  7. Would you please fix it so you know whether or not I understand what you want me to do before you get mad at me for doing something you expected me to do.
  8. Please give me time to do things for myself. I’m slow and haven’t learned how to put my clothes on yet, much less do it fast. “What’s all the hurry about anyway?”
  9. Please remeber that I am in the room as a person and not a piece of the furniture when you tell secrets or private things to big people. How do I know what should not be repeated.
  10. When you or daddy won’t eat certain foods, talk about being afraid of the water, not liking school, are afraid of denists and hospitals and doctors, why do you expect me to like them or not be afraid?
  11. Sometimes I wish you’d explain to me why you get in arguments with me. I know I lost, but it is sometimes fun to get you


riled up, but why do you let yourself get involved? You know better!

12. I may be small and don’t know about a lot of things yet, but I’m not stupid! Please don’t treat me as I can’t understand anything that is going on.