Faith Foundations

by Glen on 2003-02-09 00:07:00

Charles Stanley’s Institute for Christian Living offers a free online Bible studyseries called Faith Foundations. It’s at
Similar to a college or university learning environment, the Institute for Christian Living curriculum is structured so that each student must complete a core set of prerequisites before enrolling in elective courses. These prerequisites are composed of four terms of study known as Faith Foundations.

Faith Foundations is designed as follows:


Four terms


Each term consists of four courses.


Each course contains four to six individual lessons-designed to be completed in as little as 45 minutes per lesson.


Each lesson is divided into two sections, so students can take breaks easily to address personal and family needs.

When you commit to enrollment, you can participate in each lesson by taking notes in your online journal, answering questions, and memorizing Scripture. Dr. Stanley will be your personal mentor throughout each course, sharing encouragement and illustrations from his own life.

Sequence: The progressive path of spiritual development begins with the assumption that each student enrolled has accepted Jesus Christ as his or her personal Savior. Therefore, the teaching principles begin by examining the fundamentals of faith in Jesus Christ. Then, teachings progress to meet the needs of Christians at every level of spiritual maturity.

However, all students must begin Faith Foundations at Term One and continue in sequential order through to completion. Whether you are a seasoned believer or a new believer, Faith Foundations’ development path is designed to encourage and equip you with biblical principles that will develop, strengthen, and enrich your relationship with Jesus Christ.