ANTHONY FALZARANO: former homosexual


Anthony Falzarano


“I know what it’s like to be rejected by the men Ishould have been able to trust the most.”

I was lonely and isolated as a child. My father waspsychologically absent, and my older brother would taunt me for beingintelligent and not very athletic. I wanted so much to be like himand his rejection was hard to take. I was so desperate for maleaffirmation and touch that when a school teacher showed me attention,I was easy prey. I was sexually abused by at least four others by thetime I hit 18…and while I seemed happy on the outside, I was ahurting puppy on the inside. I felt dirty andunattractive…and hadno self-esteem. So when I went to college, there were those who wereready to help this broken kid accept a gay identity. And I bought ithook, line and sinker…I spent nine years going from guy to guylooking for my “ideal” lover…until a Christian man helped me seethat I would never be satisfied in any life outside of God’s purposefor me. I got help from people who saw the hurt on the inside, notthe identity on the outside. So, don’t buy the lie. You don’t have tobe gay.