Scientology: History
Scientology: History 1975 moves headquarters from 'Apollo' to Los Angeles,CA shortly after which Ron Hubbard becomes a recluse. 1977 raided by FBI in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles on charges…
Scientology: History 1975 moves headquarters from 'Apollo' to Los Angeles,CA shortly after which Ron Hubbard becomes a recluse. 1977 raided by FBI in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles on charges…
Scientology: History 1911 Ron Hubbard, born in Nebraska Ron Hubbard claimed to have a civil engineering degree from George Washington University and a Phd. from Sequoia University in California. Ron…
Scientology: Background Religious movement based on the writings of Ron Hubbard (1911-1986?) Book: 'Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health' Dianetics: a form of counseling to curing emotional and psychosomatic…
What is known about: Mary Baker Eddy - The 'Healer' No names, dates, or any particulars have ever been offered Two possibilities 1. She is a fake, liar 2. She…
What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of 'Prayer' I Thes 5:17 Pray without ceasing Matt 26:36 Sit here, while I go and pray John 11: 41,42 Father, I thank…
What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of 'Christ's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension' Christ died: Phil 2:8 the death of the cross Matt 27:57-60 Joseph requests the dead body of…
What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of 'Atonement' Lev 17: 11 the blood maketh atonement for the soul John 1: 29 the Lamb of God taketh away the sins…
What the Bible says about the: 'Nature of God ' Mary Baker Eddy says that Christ, and therefore miracles too, did not physically exist. Christ existed physically: Matt 1:18-25 she…
What the Bible says about the: 'Nature of God ' Mary Baker Eddy says that the Holy Spirit is merely 'divine science', denying the Holy Spirit of His personality and…
What the Bible says about the: 'Nature of God ' Mary Baker Eddy says that God is impersonal and pantheistic: 'Life. Truth. Love. Principle. Mind. Intelligence, etc.' God is a…