Mormonism: Contradictions
Mormonism: Contradictions Contradiction #1 Micah 5:2 - Messiah of Israel is to be born in Bethlehem Book of Mormon, Alma 7:9,10 - he shall be born of Mary at Jerusalem…
Mormonism: Contradictions Contradiction #1 Micah 5:2 - Messiah of Israel is to be born in Bethlehem Book of Mormon, Alma 7:9,10 - he shall be born of Mary at Jerusalem…
Mormonism: Other Plagiarisms Book of Mormon Bible 3 Nephi 11: 27,36 I John 5:7 Most scholars believe this text to be an interpolation missing from manuscript, but present in KJV…
Mormonism: Plagiarism Book of Mormon Bible Moroni 10 I Corinthians 12: 1-11 2 Nephi 14 Isaiah 4 2 Nephi 12 Isaiah 2 Mosiah 14 Isaiah 53 3 Nephi 13: 1-18…
Mormonism: The Three Witnesses In the Book of Mormon three witness: Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer Martin Harris 'declare that an angel of God, came down from heaven brought and laid…
Mormonism: Archeological Evidence Book of Mormon claims: great number of people in these two civilizations 38 cities catalogued presence of Old World domestic animals and grains use of iron Archeologists…
Mormonism: Scientific Evidence Joseph Smith claims: translated 'Reformed Egyptian' containing Egyptian, Chaldaic, Assyriac, and Arabic hieroglyphics Martin Harris took translation to Professor Charles Anton, Columbia University, for validation However, in…
Mormonism: Mormon Scriptures King James Version - Bible Doctrine and Covenants Pearl of Great Price Book of Mormon Book of Mormon Story of Two Civilizations Group One - left the…
Mormonism: History 1830 - expand into Jackson County, Missouri 1836 (Joseph Smith claims this as location of Eden) (Reorganized Church has turned down $5 million offer by the Utah Church)…
Mormonism: History 1805 - Joseph Smith, Jr born (Father, Joseph, Sr. was a mystic, searched for Capt Kidd's treasure, counterfeited money) (Mother, Lucy, wrote 'Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith' -…
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