Tim_Dorf"What is your doctrine of salvation?"I was raised in what you would call an average Polish, Roman Catholichousehold, parochial schools and church every Sunday. I remember cryingbecause I couldn't go…
Tim_Dorf"What is your doctrine of salvation?"I was raised in what you would call an average Polish, Roman Catholichousehold, parochial schools and church every Sunday. I remember cryingbecause I couldn't go…
The_White_Tornado_-_PhilTHE WHITE TORNADOI was born in 1952 in Des Moines, Iowa. I was saved one night, at the ageof five, following a televised Billy Graham crusade. Mom was gone for…
Testimony_of_Mr._BortzA JEW SHOULD KNOW GODbyAaron BortzI was reared in Cincinnati, Ohio as a Reform Jew. My religiousstudies centered around Jewish history, Hebrew and humanitarianconcepts. The Reform Judaism of my youth…
The testimony of Tom Reed "the angel extended his arm and placed his hand over my grandfather's head"On October 10, 1979 God revealed himself to me in a wonderful way…
Man in the Mirror Man in the MirrorBy Sinclair "Sy" RogersImagine--me married! Only three years before my wedding day, Iwas transsexual. At least that's what my psychiatrist called it.I was…
A Trophy of Grace A Trophy of Graceby Sue Willard I was absolutely thrilled to be married. Then, after two years,came the devastating discovery that my husband was sexually involvedwith other…
Testimony_Of_a_TurtleTESTIMONY OF A TURTLEBYPHIL SCOVELLI was eating lunch with my family and listening to the kids discuss myeleven year old daughter's newly acquired turtle Herman. My eight year oldson, his…
Free From Sexual Addiction Free From Sexual AddictionBy Steve Gallagher, as told to Bob DaviesI degenerated into a steady diet of hard-core porno movies.Conviction ate at me like a cancer,…
Sue_Donaldson"Somehow I knew Jesus loved me, and wouldn't hurt me, and I could always cry about my problems to Him without creating any more."I am a born and bred Annapolitan…
Uncovering the Real Me Uncovering the Real MeBy Starla Allen After the rape, I sensed a growing hatred of men. And I vowedthat one of them would never get near me…