This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Basic Epidemiology

Basic Epidemiology 2

Msg# : 822 Wed 28 Jun 89 8:51p
From : Robert Lee
To : All
Subject: Basic Epidemiology.2
Status :

Excerpts from Seale, J. “Origins of the AIDS viruses, HIV-1 and HIV-2: Fact or Fiction? Discussion Paper.” Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 81:9 pp. 537-539

“Published results of experiments in primate colonies, carried out since the early 1960s, show that epidemics of AIDS-like disease, and of leukaemias, which previously did not exist, have been produced artificially in non-human primates.”

“An outbreak of infectious leukaemia, affecting 100 of more than 1000 baboons of the monkey colony at the Institute of Experimental Pathology at Sukhumi, Georgia, in the USSR, started in 1967. It followed injection of blood from members of one primate species, Homo sapiens [humans], into 10 members of a different primate species, Papio hamadryas (baboons). Thereafter ‘close contact’ was sufficient to transmit the disease amongst the baboon.”

“Numerous published papers describe the successful growth of several lentiviruses from primate and other mammailian species in human cell culture, starting with the growth of visna virus from sheep in cells from human embryos in 1961.”

“The technology required to produce, artificially, epidemics of HIV-1, HIV-2 and other new retroviruses pathogenic to man was already available in the 1960s.”

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