General posts

Every Waking Moment

The first thought every morning I have without fail is a thought of You And through the rush of the day My ideal is to ask, "what would Jesus do?"…

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Red Letters

Pages filled with a holy message Sealed with a kiss from heaven On a scroll long ago Phrases, words that were bound together Now have the power to sever Like…

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What is “Security”?

Security is critical to making things safe.  In our society, we have to protect/defend because there are individuals [with agendas] that we cannot trust. Lack of trustability is the root…

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Love Is Marching

I was told when I was young That anyone could change the world It wouldn't come by power or strength But through the ones who choose to love Cause everyone…

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Hippocratic Oath

I swear by God, making Him my witness, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture. To hold my teacher in this…

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