The Reading Room

Christian Science

Christian Science ====[ The Christian BBS - (604)478-2789 - Vic., B.C. 24 Hrs. 8,N,1 ]==== **** Sound Doctrine Board (303) 680-7209 8/N/1 24HRS 300/1200 BAUD **** CHRISTIAN SCIENCE - CHRISTIAN…

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Conservitive Roman Catholics

Conservitive Roman Catholics CONSERVATIVE ROMAN CATHOLICS Generally speaking, this refers to Roman Catholics who, while going along with most of the modernization of liturgy since Vatican II, still cling to…

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Ecumenism ECUMENISM BASIC R.C. BELIEF Historically, the only union Rome was interested in was in having people, churches and kings bow before her in subjection. POST VATICAN II In recent…


Election Of Popes

Election Of Popes ELECTION OF POPES BASIC R.C. BELIEFS The Bishop of Rome used to be chosen by the people of Rome, then by the priests. Since 1059 the electoral…

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Another Catholic Miracle

Another Catholic Miracle Another Catholic Miracle? Our good friend Joe Flowers, up in Alabama, keeps us constantly stocked with news items and new reports so we don't have to take…

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Another Gospel

Another Gospel ANOTHER GOSPEL . Satan is not an initiator but an imitator. God has an only begotten Son - the Lord Jesus, and so has Satan - "the son…

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Augustine AUGUSTINE Born 354; died 430. Controversial leader in early Christianity. Her gave Christianity a "solid philosophical foundation" because of his knowledge of Plato. His confronting the errors of Pelagianism…


All Saints Day

All Saints Day ALL SAINTS DAY BASIC R.C. BELIEF This festival, on November 1, is a Holyday of Obligation and commemorates all saints, canonized and uncanonized, known and unknown. By…

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