The Reading Room

Common Bible

Common Bible COMMON BIBLE POST VATICAN II From the VATICAN CONSTITUTION ON DIVINE REVELATION, Chapter II, para. 22: "And should the opportunity arise and the Church authorities approve, if these…

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Accidents ACCIDENTS BASIC R.C. BELIEF A term used to denote the outward manifestations (taste, smell, etc.) of the Host in the Roman Catholic Mass. St. Thomas Aquinas first took this…



Atonement ATONEMENT BASIC R.C. BELIEF The redemptive activity of Christ. The word also applies to prayers and good works by which men join themselves with Christ's work (CATHOLIC WORD BOOK,…


Canon Of The bible

Canon Of The bible CANON OF THE BIBLE BASIC R.C. BELIEF The books recognized by the Roman Catholic Church as part of the Holy Scriptures form the Canon of the…

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Catholics Acquit Cain

Catholics Acquit Cain CATHOLICS ACQUIT CAIN We have here from the REUTERS DISPATCH a report from Venice, Italy, where we read, "Cain, history's first recorded killer, was found innocent of…

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Bells BELLS BASIC R.C. BELIEF Bells were used by ancient Egyptians in the worship of Osiris. Moses, who was educated in the priestly class of Egypt, introduced them into Judaism…
