The Reading Room

Eastern Orthodox Church

Eastern Orthodox Church EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH BASIC R.C. BELIEF Officially known as Eastern schismatic churches, they came into being in 1054 when the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Pope, arguing…

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Ancestor Worship

Ancestor Worship ANCESTOR WORSHIP The ancestors' power of conferring health and prosperity is derived from a superior spiritual being to whom the dead have access. Ancestors mediate between living human…

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Beatification BEATIFICATION BASIC R.C. BELIEF A preliminary step toward canonization. After investigation of life and writings, and the certification of at least two miracles through the saint's intercession, the Holy…



Bells BELLS BASIC R.C. BELIEF Bells were used by ancient Egyptians in the worship of Osiris. Moses, who was educated in the priestly class of Egypt, introduced them into Judaism…



Dispensation DISPENSATION BASIC R.C. BELIEF The relaxing of a law in a particular case. Bishops may dispense from certain laws; only the Pope can dispense from all ecclesiastical laws. No…


Cardinal John Oconnor

Cardinal John Oconnor CARDINAL JOHN O'CONNOR SECULAR JOURNALS From THE NEWS TRIBUNE, Tacoma, WA 3/15/87. "OUR JOHN. John O'Connor: outspoken, but moving on the same wavelength as Pope John Paul.…

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Charismatic Catholics0

Charismatic Catholics0 Charismatic Catholics This article was put up with the gracious permission of Bill Jackson who is the head of the Christians Evangelizing Catholics organization. You may get his…

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Exorcism EXORCISM BASIC R.C. BELIEF The driving out of the devil in cases of possession according to a special rite of the Church. The priest must have the express consent…
