What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of ‘Atonement’
What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of 'Atonement' Lev 17: 11 the blood maketh atonement for the soul John 1: 29 the Lamb of God taketh away the sins…
The Reading Room
What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of 'Atonement' Lev 17: 11 the blood maketh atonement for the soul John 1: 29 the Lamb of God taketh away the sins…
Islam: Sharing the Gospel to a Muslim 1. Discuss the nature of God Remember that they accept certain scriptures as valid. Use scriptures to clarify the concept of God Do…
Cults Avoid Discussing ... Cults Avoid Discussing ... The Deity of Christ Holy Trinity Complete Atonement of Sin Bodily Resurrection of the Lord Salvation by Grace Cults Love to Discuss…
Mormonism: Doctrine of 'Priesthood' 1. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery: received the Aaronic priesthood from John the Baptist received the Melchizedek priesthood from Peter, James, and John 2. Melchizedek and…
What the Bible says about the... Doctrine of 'Virgin Birth' 1. Isaiah 7:14 Virgin shall conceive and call his name Immanuel -God with us 2. Isaiah 9:6 the child is…
What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of 'Hell' Luke 16: 19 - 31 Lazarus and rich man Jehovah Witnesses claim this is a parable - Jesus never uses names…
Jehovah's Witnesses: Doctrine of 'Kingdom of Heaven' Russell predicted in 1880: the end of 2520 year period ends in 1914 kingdom of God by Christ Jesus would be established world…
Christian Science: Doctrine of 'Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ' Science and Health, p. 46 '.. until he himself ascended, - or, in other words, rose even higher in the…
What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of 'Christ's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension' Christ died: Phil 2:8 the death of the cross Matt 27:57-60 Joseph requests the dead body of…
New Age: Doctrines Four Basic Beliefs: 1. God is impersonal: All true reality is divine. God is all; all is God. 2. Man is a part of God: Personal Enlightenment…