Life In The Fog
Life In The Fog Title: LIFE IN THE FOG Text: Hebrews 11 Tracing: Preached at PM service at SDCC on 5/6/90. Topic: Perseverance Theme: ÿThe essence of Faith is trusting…
The Reading Room
Life In The Fog Title: LIFE IN THE FOG Text: Hebrews 11 Tracing: Preached at PM service at SDCC on 5/6/90. Topic: Perseverance Theme: ÿThe essence of Faith is trusting…
Love The Social Test I John 4 48 First Epistle of John Chapter 4 LOVE: THE SOCIAL TEST BACKGROUND: Second of three tests of discipleship Moral Test - Obedience Social…
Owed To Quiches The Cat poem This is my December Message for 1992. It takes the form of a poem. May whatever season you are in (Christmas, Chanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter…
The Effect Of One Life 58 B9-16-4P THE EFFECT OF ONE LIFE Ro. 5:19 INTRODUCTION: Four clergymen were discussing the merits of various translations of the Bible. One liked the…
The Teachers Prepares THE TEACHER PREPARES I. NEEED FOR ADEQUATE PREPARATION Introduction Do our pupils know what the church believes? Survey given to 150 freshmen at a Christian College (Upper…
Too Much page 1 of 2 62 TOO MUCH BA-07-4A 1 Ki. 12:27-33 (esp. v. 28) INTRODUCTION A. Present day desire for ease B. Background of Rehoboam (Judah) & Jereboam…
Worship That Feeds The Soul 2 40 B9-30-4A.P2 III. WORSHIP IS SPIRITUAL The text tells us that the Head nourishes the body When we worship God in Spirit and in…
Abrahams Children ABRAHAM'S CHILDREN B2-16-6P Jn. 8:39 (31-45) INTRODUCTION: III. ABRAHAM'S CHILDREN GO WHERE HE IS A. Jesus offered the Jews FREEDOM (v. 32) A. Abraham's bosom (before the cross)…
Church Be Pure Pergamum Title: Church, Be Pure! Text: Rev. 2:12-17 Tracing: Preached 6/3/90 at SDCC. Topic: Compromise Theme: Nutshell: Objectives: Prim Goal : Intnd Aud.: Intro.: ABOUT PERGAMUM: Pergamum…
Dreams Come True 79 B7-22-4A DREAMS COME TRUE ON BEDICO Psalm 126:1 INTRODUCTION: We know a relatively small amount about dreams Webster Defines a Dream as, A sequence of sensations,…