The Reading Room

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE As one of the major risk factors for heart attacks, heartfailure, stroke and kidney failure in America, hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure,…

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Nurse Burnout

Nurse Burnout Abstract Duxbury, M.L., Armstrong, G.D., Drew, D.J., & Henly, S.J.(1984). Head nurse leadership style with staff nurse burnout and job satisfaction in neonatal intensive care units. Nursing Research…

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Sexual Abuse Of Children 1

Sexual Abuse Of Children 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sexual Abuse of Children, Part One by Dr. George Sharpe (June, 1985) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN PART ONE: INTRODUCTION/ THE DATING OR ENGAGEMENT…

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Understanding AIDS

Understanding AIDS Understanding AIDS, a message from the Surgeon General (1988) Here is the text of "Understanding AIDS," the pamphlet being mailed by the government to every household in the…

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Fathers Of Gay Males

Fathers Of Gay Males FATHERS OF GAY MALES Part 1: Disclosure Homosexuality, some people say, is not an aberrant lifestyle, and even if it were, homosexuality would at most be…

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Orientation Dead End

Orientation Dead End ORIENTATION: Psychological and Theological Dead End Although there is a need for distinguishing between homosexual orientation and homosexual behaviour, the well-meaning Christian authors and psychologists who do…

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Science 6

Science 6 Old Testament Study - Science - Some General Comments . We will bring to a close this section on science and the creation with the following comments: .…

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