The Reading Room
FEAST of Tabernacles
FEAST of Tabernacles FEAST of Tabernacles, The Held after harvest and vintage # De 16:13 Began fifteenth of seventh month # Le 23:34,39 Lasted seven days # Le 23:34,41 De…
FORTRESSES FORTRESSES Places strong by nature # Nu 24:21 Places fortified by art # Jer 51:53 The security of a nation # Isa 33:16 Da 11:10 PLACES USED AS 4a)…
GIRDLES GIRDLES Worn upon the loins # 1Ki 2:5 Jer 13:1,11 Worn by priests about the breasts # Re 1:13 MADE OF 3a) Fine linen # Eze 16:10 3b) Twined…
HITTITES HITTITES Descended from Canaan's son, Heth # Ge 10:15 CALLED THE 2a) Sons of Heth # Ge 23:3,20 2b) Children of Heth # Ge 23:5 3) One of the…
HUMILITY of Christ
HUMILITY of Christ HUMILITY of Christ, The Declared by himself # Mt 11:29 EXHIBITED IN HIS 2a) Taking our nature # Php 2:7 Heb 2:16 2b) Birth # Lu 2:4-7…
ISHMAELITES, The Descended from Abraham's son, Ishmael (born BC 2082) # Ge 16:15,16 # 1Ch 1:28 Also of Egyptian decent (552 years before Moses) # Ge 16:1 # Ge 21:21…
Jehovah Jehovah, the Only True God Jehovah is "Alpha and Omega" and "the First and the Last" # Re 1:7,8 22:12,13,20 Isa 48:12,13 Death and life of "the First and…
LIBERTY LIBERTY, Christian Foretold # Isa 42:7 61:1 CONFERRED 2a) By God # Col 1:13 2b) By Christ # Ga 4:3-5 5:1 2c) By the Holy Spirit # Ro 8:15…
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