LOVE to Man
LOVE to Man LOVE to Man Is of God # 1Jo 4:7 Commanded by God # 1Jo 4:21 Commanded by Christ # Joh 13:34 15:12 1Jo 3:23 After the example…
The Reading Room
LOVE to Man LOVE to Man Is of God # 1Jo 4:7 Commanded by God # 1Jo 4:21 Commanded by Christ # Joh 13:34 15:12 1Jo 3:23 After the example…
NINEVEH NINEVEH Origin and antiquity of # Ge 10:11 Situated on the river Tigris # Na 2:6,8 The ancient capital of Assyria # 2Ki 19:36 Isa 37:37 Called the bloody…
PARENTS PARENTS Receive their children from God # Ge 33:5 1Sa 1:27 Ps 127:3 THEIR DUTY TO THEIR CHILDREN IS 2a) To love them # Tit 2:4 2b) To bring…
POOLS and PONDS POOLS and PONDS Made by God # Isa 35:7 Made by man # Isa 19:10 ARTIFICIAL, DESIGNED FOR 3a) Supplying cities with water # 2Ki 20:20 3b)…
PROMISES of God PROMISES of God, The Contained in the Scriptures # Ro 1:2 Made in Christ # Eph 3:6 2Ti 1:1 MADE TO 3a) Christ # Ga 3:16,19 3b)…
RECHABITES RECHABITES Descended from Hemath # 1Ch 2:55 The head of, assisted Jehu in his conspiracy against the house of Ahab # 2Ki 10:15-17 Prohibited by Jonadab from forming settlements…
RIGHTEOUSNESS RIGHTEOUSNESS Is obedience to God's law # De 6:25 Ro 10:5 Lu 1:6 Ps 1:2 God loves # Ps 11:7 God looks for # Isa 5:7 CHRIST 4a) Is…
SAMARIA SAMARIA, Modern Situated between Judea and Galilee # Lu 17:11 Joh 4:3,4 Had many cities # Mt 10:5 Lu 9:52 CITIES OF, MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE 3a) Samaria # Ac…