The Reading Room

Gods Success Principles

Gods Success Principles Be sure to read the article first, omitting the Scriptures. Then look up the Scriptures and mark them in your Bible. Feel free to pass copies of…

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Talk is cheap

Talk is cheap THE <E>LECTRONIC <L>IBRARY E<X>CHANGE DENVER, COLORADO BBS: 303-935-6323 * TALK IS CHEEP? [Word Study] From The Wisdom Of Proverbs Prov. 4:24 Put away from thee a froward…

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dateCheck A Dating Preparedness Checklist by Kathy Ross Before you begin a dating relationship, consider your answers to the following questions. Apply the questions to yourself, and then to your…


AB Simpson

AB Simpson A.B. Simpson 1844-1919 Founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, A.B. Simpson was born in Canada of Scottish parents. He became a Presbyterian minister and pastored several churches…

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Chrysostom Chrysostom, John of Antioch 347-407 John was born and raised in Antioch, Syria, where he studied the Scriptures and served as a deacon. Later he became pastor of the…


Gaylord Ford Porter

Gaylord Ford Porter Gaylord Ford Porter 1893-1976 Ford Porter was born in Ottawa County, Michigan, on February 5, 1893. The influence of the family altar and the godly lives of…

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John Bunyan

John Bunyan John Bunyan 1628-1688 English Baptist preacher and writer. John Bunyan was born in Elstow, England, near Bedford, where he spent most of his life. Although today he is…

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Lee Rutland Scarborough

Lee Rutland Scarborough Lee Rutland Scarborough 1870-1945 Baptist minister and educator. L.R. Scarborough was born in Colfax, Louisiana, on July 4, 1870. His father was a farmer and preacher. Lee,…

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Quintus Florens Tertullian

Quintus Florens Tertullian Quintus Florens Tertullian 160-220 North African defender of the faith. Tertullian was born of heathen parents in Carthage, Africa. He studied law and lived an exceedingly sinful…

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