The Swaggart Affair
The Swaggart Affair . The comments I wish to make about the Swaggart affair, and about Swaggart's actions, especially vis-a-vis the disciplinary decisions of the Assemblies of God, are two-fold.…
The Reading Room
The Swaggart Affair . The comments I wish to make about the Swaggart affair, and about Swaggart's actions, especially vis-a-vis the disciplinary decisions of the Assemblies of God, are two-fold.…
Pharmakeia Narcotics In The B From: David Canfil To: Jim Bowman 25-Nov-87 08:36pm Subject: PHARMAKEIA Hello, Jim. Thank you for the message from Kansas City, and for the testimonial of…
The Upjohn Company Caring Or THE UPJOHN COMPANY - CARING OR KILLING? Unborn children are destroyed daily by drugs developed and manufactured by the Upjohn Company. On May 19, leading…
Pornography Report K Mart Pornography Report THE SWORD OF THE LORD - December 21, 1990 issue. NEWS of Interest to Christians K Mart adds Child Pornography to Book Line; Now…
Some Facts Abortion Some FACTS: FACT: There appears to be current evidence of at least as many fatalities after legal as illegal abortions. According to the C.D.C., in every year…
Who Gets The Credit WHO GETS THE CREDIT? Salvation does not depend on people. God is not holding his breath to see what you are going to do. God's program…
The Little White Assassin THE LITTLE WHITE ASSASSIN - Death wrapped in Cellophane He is a small fellow - this little white assassin. But like the even smaller microbes, he…
Please Come And Meet My Saviour Please, MEET MY SAVIOUR Did YOU know that GOD is personally interested in YOU; that He has a plan for your life; that He…
Tough Answers To Atheists deb Answers To Tough Questions Below you will find a public exchange between myself, a Christian, and an atheist, who uses the screen name PHOTO ONE…
What Can We Do About The Public What Can We Do About The Public Schools? by John Morris, Ph.D. For those of us who attended public schools some years ago,…