NETHINIM NETHINIM Were the servants of the Levites # Ezr 8:20 Probably originated in the appointment of the Gibeonites # Jos 9:27 The remnant of the Canaanites appointed as, by…
The Reading Room
NETHINIM NETHINIM Were the servants of the Levites # Ezr 8:20 Probably originated in the appointment of the Gibeonites # Jos 9:27 The remnant of the Canaanites appointed as, by…
PALACES PALACES Jerusalem celebrated for # Ps 48:3,13 THE TERM APPLIED TO 2a) Residences of kings # Da 4:4 6:18 2b) Houses of great men # Am 3:9 Mic 5:5…
PILLARS PILLARS The supports of a building # Jud 16:29 Things raised up as memorials # Ge 31:51 MADE OF 3a) Marble # Es 1:6 3b) Wood # 1Ki 10:12…
PRIESTS PRIESTS First notice of persons acting as # Ge 4:3,4 During patriarchal age heads of families acted as # Ge 8:20 12:8 35:7 After the exodus young men (first-born)…
REVENGE REVENGE Forbidden by our Lord # Le 19:18 Pr 24:17,29 Mt 5:39-41 Ro 12:17,19 1Th 5:15 1Pe 3:9 Christ an example of forbearing # Isa 53:7 1Pe 2:23 Rebuked…
SAINTS SAINTS, Compared to The sun # Jud 5:31 Mt 13:43 Stars # Da 12:3 Lights # Mt 5:14 Php 2:15 Mount Zion # Ps 125:1,2 Lebanon # Ho 14:5-7…
SIMEON SIMEON, The Tribe of Descended from Jacob's second son by Leah # Ge 29:33 Predictions respecting # Ge 49:5-7 PERSONS SELECTED FROM 3a) To number the people # Nu…
SWEARING Falsely SWEARING Falsely Forbidden # Le 19:12 Nu 30:2 Mt 5:33 Hateful to God # Zec 8:17 We should not love # Zec 8:17 Fraud often leads to #…