The Reading Room

Traditional Roman Catholics

Traditional Roman Catholics TRADITIONAL ROMAN CATHOLICS POST VATICAN II Roman Catholics who don't agree with the innovations of Vatican II and generally disagree with ecumenism. They prefer the 16th century…

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Religious Science

Religious Science This article taken from FORWARD The News and Research Periodical of the Christian Research Institute Volume Seven, Number One ERNEST HOLMES AND RELIGIOUS SCIENCE "I didn't like any…

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The Wiccan Religion

Paganism Witchcraft THE WICCAN RELIGION A more encompassing term for witchcraft would be paganism. It has been called "man's first attempt at technology or his initial effort to gain control…

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Roman Curia

Roman Curia CURIA, ROMAN A group of high officials who assist the Pope in governing and administrating the Roman Catholic Church. POST VATICAN II From THE CITIZEN 4/12/84 (page 16):…

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Tradition TRADITION BASIC R.C. BELIEF One source of Divine revelation, the other being Sacred scripture. During the years between the beginning of the Church and the completed scripture, people relied…



Primate PRIMATE BASIC R.C. BELIEF A Bishop who has precedence over all bishops in given territory.



Sacraments SACRAMENTS BASIC R.C. BELIEF Divinely appointed functions which effect an increase of supernatural life in the Roman Catholic whenever he approaches them with the proper disposition. The life is…


Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart SACRED HEART BASIC R.C. BELIEF In Roman Catholic art, Jesus is often shown with His heart exposed. This is called the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Devotion to the…

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