Litany LITANY BASIC R.C. BELIEF A prayer in the form of a responsive petition, e.g., St. Joseph, pray for us.
The Reading Room
Litany LITANY BASIC R.C. BELIEF A prayer in the form of a responsive petition, e.g., St. Joseph, pray for us.
Inner Healing book reviews Inner Healing ======[ The Christian BBS - Vic., B.C. - (604)478-2789 - 8,N,1 ]====== **** Sound Doctrine Board (303) 680-7209 8,N,1 300/1200 BAUD 24HRS **** I…
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Necedah NECEDAH BASIC R.C. BELIEF From JOHN CARDINAL CODY'S MESSAGE, October 1981. "We have received many inquiries about the Necedah situation. One of our members recently wrote to the Bishop…
Ordinary ORDINARY BASIC R.C. BELIEF One who has the jurisdiction of an office, including the Pope, diocesan bishops, abbotts primate and provincials.
Images IMAGES BASIC R.C. BELIEF The Roman Catholic church claims that those who kneel before images are praying to the saints represented by them. However, St. Thomas Aquinas wrote, "The…