Good Works
Good Works GOOD WORKS BASIC R.C. BELIEF Good works inspired by faith in Christ are necessary for salvation (RADIO REPLIES), Priests Rumble and Carty). POST VATICAN II From VERBUM, Fall,…
The Reading Room
Good Works GOOD WORKS BASIC R.C. BELIEF Good works inspired by faith in Christ are necessary for salvation (RADIO REPLIES), Priests Rumble and Carty). POST VATICAN II From VERBUM, Fall,…
Miraculous Water MIRACULOUS WATER BASIC R.C. BELIEF There are a number of wells located in various places that are supposed to remain dry 364 days a year, but on the…
Mixed Marriages MIXED MARRIAGES BASIC R.C. BELIEF The Catholic Church has always differentiated between marriages of a Roman Catholic to a baptized or unbaptized non-Catholic. Marriages to unbaptized people weren't…
Holy Souls HOLY SOULS BASIC R.C. BELIEF People who die in a state of Grace but are burdened with venial sin or unsatisfied temporal punishment are in Purgatory. People on…
Matrimony MATRIMONY BASIC R.C. BELIEF The Catechism of the Council of Trent made it clear that the first end of marriage was not procreation (A CATHOLIC DICTIONARY OF THEOLOGY, Vol.…
Nostradamus Copyright 1993 by the Christian Research Institute. COPYRIGHT/REPRODUCTION LIMITATIONS: This data file is the sole property of the Christian Research Institute. It may not be altered or edited in…
Novena NOVENA BASIC R.C. BELIEF Nine days (or once a week for nine weeks) of public or private prayer, usually in preparation for some feast. This practice is supposed to…
Mother Of God MOTHER OF GOD BASIC R.C. BELIEF Title given to Mary, Jesus' mother, first used at the Council of Ephesus (431). Many scholars contend that this was not…
Joseph Campbell Mything The M JOSEPH CAMPBELL - MYTHING THE MARK by Richard Pyle Joseph Campbell, author of books about myths and subject of the PBS series The Power of…
Occult Oppression And Bondage OCCULT Oppression and Bondage How to be set free WHAT IS OCCULTISM? Stated concisely, it is participation or involvement in any way with fortunetelling, magic practices,…