Stories of how God has positively changed the lives and eternal life of people all around the world.

My Testimony

My Testimony "although I grew up in a Christian home, I never truly understood the concept of having a personal relationship with the Risen Lord"About 13 years ago, I fell…

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JOHN PAULK: former homosexual

JOHN PAULK: former homosexual "Growing up, I heard it all...sissy, queer, fag.Naturally, I believed I was born gay."John PaulkFORMER HOMOSEXUAL, FORMER MALE PROSTITUTE, FORMERFEMALE IMPERSONATOR I always remember feeling "different" from…

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Out of Deception

Out of Deception Out of DeceptionBy Joe Dallas, as told to Bob Davies I learned the pro-gay theology and became very adept at defendingmy lifestyle. No one would have guessed that,…

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Jennifer or Jerry?

Jennifer or Jerry? Jennifer or Jerry?By Jerry Leach Dressing as a woman gave me excitement, sexual pleasure, and atemporary escape from my hated existence as a man.I could see my reflection…

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He Is Good

He Is Good He Is GoodBy Jeremy Marks God's gentleness turned me right around and instead of pursuingthe "gay" life, I resolved to find His answer.Born in England in 1952, I…

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