We Love God!

God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)

[Affliction is sometimes] sent for the conversion of the soul. Sometimes in health the Word does not touch the heart. The world is all. Its gaieties, its pleasures, its admiration, captivate your mind. God sometimes draws you aside into a sickbed, and shows you the sin of your heart, the vanity of worldly pleasures and drives the soul to seek a sure resting-place for eternity in Christ. O happy sickness that draws the soul to Jesus (Job 33, Psm. 107).
Robert Murray McCheyne

Do you talk to others about our depraved nature and our desperate need for salvation in Jesus Christ? Do you say that you are no better than they are by nature; that we are all, apart from grace, sinners with a terrible record, which is a legal problem, as well as a bad heart, which is a moral problem? Do you talk to them about the dreadful character of sin; that sin is something that stems back to our tragic fall in Adam and affects every part of us, so dominating our mind, heart, will, and conscience that we are slaves to it? Do you describe sin as moral rebellion against God? Do you say that the wages of sin is death, now and for all eternity?
Joel Beeke

Bible – chinese – 新标点和合本 加拉太书 1

作使徒的保罗(不是由于人,也不是借着人,乃是借着耶稣基督,与叫他从死里复活的父 神)
愿恩惠、平安从父 神与我们的主耶稣基督归与你们!
基督照我们父 神的旨意,为我们的罪舍己,要救我们脱离这罪恶的世代。
但愿荣耀归于 神,直到永永远远。阿们!
10 我现在是要得人的心呢?还是要得 神的心呢?我岂是讨人的喜欢吗?若仍旧讨人的喜欢,我就不是基督的仆人了。
11 弟兄们,我告诉你们,我素来所传的福音不是出于人的意思。
12 因为我不是从人领受的,也不是人教导我的,乃是从耶稣基督启示来的。
13 你们听见我从前在犹太教中所行的事,怎样极力逼迫残害 神的教会。
14 我又在犹太教中,比我本国许多同岁的人更有长进,为我祖宗的遗传更加热心。
15 然而,那把我从母腹里分别出来、又施恩召我的 神,
16 既然乐意将他儿子启示在我心里,叫我把他传在外邦人中,我就没有与属血气的人商量,
17 也没有上耶路撒冷去见那些比我先作使徒的,惟独往阿拉伯去,后又回到大马士革
18 过了三年,才上耶路撒冷去见矶法,和他同住了十五天。
19 至于别的使徒,除了主的兄弟雅各,我都没有看见。
20 我写给你们的不是谎话,这是我在 神面前说的。
21 以后我到了叙利亚基利家境内。
22 那时,犹太信基督的各教会都没有见过我的面。
23 不过听说那从前逼迫我们的,现在传扬他原先所残害的真道。
24 他们就为我的缘故,归荣耀给 神。