We Love God!

God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)

I've been there a few times in my life. Most don't understand it. That's understandable. However, it hit home to me when the Apostle Paul said, 'Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure on me of concern for all the churches' (2 Cor. 11:28). A number of years ago, the pain was so intense that the physical affliction Paul spoke about earlier in 2 Corinthians 11 would have been much preferred. I can take the long hours and the hard work. I can even take the pressures on my family. But the emotional pain is the one and only thing that forever tempts me to throw in the towel. When I feel that way, I can almost hear the Lord saying to me, 'Are you in it for Me or are you in it for yourself?' That's gut-check time. Am I really a servant of Christ (2 Cor. 11:23)?
Randy Smith

Today, the pressure to fill auditoriums and services has driven many pastors to place the felt needs, or tastes, of the people above their duty to Christ. On every hand we hear of the Gospel being molded into a non-confrontative message intended to meet felt needs and impress the sinful heart. And, by most standards, this new philosophy of church life is working, as more and more auditoriums are filled with people hungry for a message that will affirm that they are actually on fairly good terms with the Almighty. But the biblical message is the message of the cross. It cuts right across the grain of the modern age's preoccupation with pride, tearing down the façade and exposing the wretchedness of the human heart… Unfortunately, while the modern “un-gospel” may fill seats, it is the true gospel of sin and grace that is “the power of God unto salvation” (Rom. 1:16).
David Hegg

Bible – chinese – 新标点和合本 列王纪下 8

10  以利沙哈薛说:「你回去告诉他说,这病必能好;但耶和华指示我,他必要死。」
11 神人定睛看着哈薛,甚至他惭愧。神人就哭了;
12  哈薛说:「我主为什么哭?」回答说:「因为我知道你必苦害以色列人,用火焚烧他们的保障,用刀杀死他们的壮丁,摔死他们的婴孩,剖开他们的孕妇。」
13  哈薛说:「你仆人算什么,不过是一条狗,焉能行这大事呢?」以利沙回答说:「耶和华指示我,你必作亚兰王。」
14  哈薛离开以利沙,回去见他的主人。主人问他说:「以利沙对你说什么?」回答说:「他告诉我你必能好。」
15 次日,哈薛拿被窝浸在水中,蒙住王的脸,王就死了。于是哈薛篡了他的位。
16  以色列亚哈的儿子约兰第五年,犹大约沙法还在位的时候,约沙法的儿子约兰登基作了犹大王。
17  约兰登基的时候年三十二岁,在耶路撒冷作王八年。
18 他行以色列诸王所行的,与亚哈家一样;因为他娶了亚哈的女儿为妻,行耶和华眼中看为恶的事。
19 耶和华却因他仆人大卫的缘故,仍不肯灭绝犹大,照他所应许大卫的话,永远赐灯光与他的子孙。
20  约兰年间,以东人背叛犹大,脱离他的权下,自己立王。
21  约兰率领所有的战车往撒益去,夜间起来,攻打围困他的以东人和车长;犹大兵就逃跑,各回各家去了。
22 这样,以东人背叛犹大,脱离他的权下,直到今日。那时立拿人也背叛了。
23  约兰其余的事,凡他所行的,都写在犹大列王记上。
24  约兰与他列祖同睡,葬在大卫城他列祖的坟地里。他儿子亚哈谢接续他作王。
25  以色列亚哈的儿子约兰十二年,犹大约兰的儿子亚哈谢登基。
26 他登基的时候年二十二岁,在耶路撒冷作王一年。他母亲名叫亚她利雅,是以色列暗利的孙女。
27  亚哈谢效法亚哈家行耶和华眼中看为恶的事,与亚哈家一样,因为他是亚哈家的女婿。
28 他与亚哈的儿子约兰同往基列拉末去,与亚兰哈薛争战。亚兰人打伤了约兰
29  约兰王回到耶斯列,医治在拉末亚兰哈薛打仗的时候所受的伤。犹大约兰的儿子亚哈谢因为亚哈的儿子约兰病了,就下到耶斯列看望他。