We Love God!

God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)

Instead of trying to find loopholes in God's commandment or trying to convince ourselves that our spouse is not a Christian or is at least not behaving as one and therefore divorceable, we ought to be shouting the holiness of marriage from the housetops. It is better to endure much personal unhappiness than to treat as expendable the solemn vows of the wedding service.
James Montgomery Boice

No power in the universe can rob you of it; none, but yourself, can even diminish it. “Your joy no man takes from you.” What the power, or love, or presence of man can create – the power, or hatred, or absence of man can destroy. But, the joy of the believer has a different origin, and, as no man bestowed it, so no man can take it away. It has God for its author – the living Rock of Ages for its ever-flowing fountain – the Holy Spirit for the golden channel, which it conveys into the heart. Thus, coming from the fountain of joy, it is of immortal origin – and, is far above the reach of mortal enemies. All the sorrows of earth – all the temptations of hell, are vain against this joy. So far from being diminished by what would crush earthly happiness, and reduce the stoutest heart, without Divine grace, to hopeless dejection – it is only realized more fully, amid the raging fury of the hurricane, or the dreary gloom of a starless midnight.
John MacDuff

Bible – chinese – 新标点和合本 马可福音 8

10 随即同门徒上船,来到大玛努他境内。
11 法利赛人出来盘问耶稣,求他从天上显个神迹给他们看,想要试探他。
12 耶稣心里深深地叹息,说:「这世代为什么求神迹呢?我实在告诉你们,没有神迹给这世代看。」
13 他就离开他们,又上往海那边去了。
14 门徒忘了带饼;在船上除了一个饼,没有别的食物。
15 耶稣嘱咐他们说:「你们要谨慎,防备法利赛人的酵和希律的酵。」
16 他们彼此议论说:「这是因为我们没有饼吧。」
17 耶稣看出来,就说:「你们为什么因为没有饼就议论呢?你们还不省悟,还不明白吗?你们的心还是愚顽吗?
18 你们有眼睛,看不见吗?有耳朵,听不见吗?也不记得吗?
19 我擘开那五个饼分给五千人,你们收拾的零碎装满了多少篮子呢?」他们说:「十二个。」
20 又擘开那七个饼分给四千人,你们收拾的零碎装满了多少筐子呢?」他们说:「七个。」
21 耶稣说:「你们还是不明白吗?」
22 他们来到伯赛大,有人带一个瞎子来,求耶稣摸他。
23 耶稣拉着瞎子的手,领他到村外,就吐唾沫在他眼睛上,按手在他身上,问他说:「你看见什么了?」
24 他就抬头一看,说:「我看见人了;他们好像树木,并且行走。」
25 随后又按手在他眼睛上,他定睛一看,就复了原,样样都看得清楚了。
26 耶稣打发他回家,说:「连这村子你也不要进去。」
27 耶稣和门徒出去,往凯撒利亚·腓立比村庄去;在路上问门徒说:「人说我是谁?」
28 他们说:「有人说是施洗的约翰;有人说是以利亚;又有人说是先知里的一位。」
29 又问他们说:「你们说我是谁?」彼得回答说:「你是基督。」
30 耶稣就禁戒他们,不要告诉人。
31 从此,他教训他们说:「人子必须受许多的苦,被长老、祭司长,和文士弃绝,并且被杀,过三天复活。」
32 耶稣明明地说这话,彼得就拉着他,劝他。
33 耶稣转过来,看着门徒,就责备彼得说:「撒但,退我后边去吧!因为你不体贴 神的意思,只体贴人的意思。」
34 于是叫众人和门徒来,对他们说:「若有人要跟从我,就当舍己,背起他的十字架来跟从我。
35 因为,凡要救自己生命+的,必丧掉生命;凡为我和福音丧掉生命的,必救了生命。
36 人就是赚得全世界,赔上自己的生命,有什么益处呢?
37 人还能拿什么换生命呢?
38 凡在这淫乱罪恶的世代,把我和我的道当作可耻的,人子在他父的荣耀里,同圣天使降临的时候,也要把那人当作可耻的。」

+ 8:35 或译:灵魂;下同