We Love God!

God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)

We have failed to understand that children and young people are not God-lovers until the Spirit changes them. They are dead to God. Our attempts at getting these young people to “pray the prayer” when they were small have not necessarily made them children of God. Their behavior belies the true state of their hearts. God has said that the only hope for them, therefore, is the regenerating work of the Spirit in the context of the preaching of the Word (James 1:18). However, our inadequate view of depravity and the inability of man has led us to resort instead to a greater confidence in entertainment to reach them and a minimizing of the use of the Word. If God has ordained that the Word and the Spirit are the only hope for these kids, then we should not avoid the means God has promised to bless.
Jim Elliff

Bible – chinese – 新标点和合本 启示录 21

我又看见圣城新耶路撒冷由 神那里从天而降,预备好了,就如新妇妆饰整齐,等候丈夫。
我听见有大声音从宝座出来说:「看哪, 神的帐幕在人间。他要与人同住,他们要作他的子民。 神要亲自与他们同在,作他们的 神。
得胜的,必承受这些为业:我要作他的 神,他要作我的儿子。
10 我被灵感动,天使就带我到一座高大的山,将那由 神那里、从天而降的圣城耶路撒冷指示我。
11 城中有 神的荣耀;城的光辉如同极贵的宝石,好像碧玉,明如水晶。
12 有高大的墙,有十二个门,门上有十二位天使,门上又写着以色列十二个支派的名字。
13 东边有三门,北边有三门,南边有三门,西边有三门。
14 城墙有十二根基,根基上有羔羊十二使徒的名字。
15 对我说话的,拿着金苇子当尺,要量那城和城门城墙。
16 城是四方的,长宽一样。天使用苇子量那城,共有四千里,长、宽、高都是一样;
17 又量了城墙,按着人的尺寸,就是天使的尺寸,共有一百四十四肘。
18 墙是碧玉造的;城是精金的,如同明净的玻璃。
19 城墙的根基是用各样宝石修饰的:第一根基是碧玉;第二是蓝宝石;第三是绿玛瑙;第四是绿宝石;
20 第五是红玛瑙;第六是红宝石;第七是黄璧玺;第八是水苍玉;第九是红璧玺;第十是翡翠;第十一是紫玛瑙;第十二是紫晶。
21 十二个门是十二颗珍珠,每门是一颗珍珠。城内的街道是精金,好像明透的玻璃。
22 我未见城内有殿,因主 神—全能者和羔羊为城的殿。
23 那城内又不用日月光照;因有 神的荣耀光照,又有羔羊为城的灯。
24 列国要在城的光里行走;地上的君王必将自己的荣耀归与那城。
25 城门白昼总不关闭,在那里原没有黑夜。
26 人必将列国的荣耀、尊贵归与那城。
27 凡不洁净的,并那行可憎与虚谎之事的,总不得进那城;只有名字写在羔羊生命册上的才得进去