We Love God!

God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)

Reconciliation…always portrays God as the reconciler and sinners as the ones reconciled, since it was human sin that ruptured the relationship between God and man (cf. Isa. 59:2)… Thus, reconciliation is not something man does but what he receives; it is not what he accomplishes but what he embraces. Reconciliation does not happen when man decides to stop rejecting God but when God decides to stop rejecting man. It is a divine provision by which God’s holy displeasure against alienated sinners is appeased, His hostility against them removed, and a harmonious relationship between Him and them established. Reconciliation occurs because God was graciously willing to design a way to have all the sins of those who are His removed from them “as far as the east is from the west” (Psm. 103:12), “cast all their sins into the depths of the sea” (Mic. 7:19), and “cast all [their] sins behind [His] back” (Isa. 38:17).
John MacArthur

In order to discern the will of God for their lives believers cannot just depend on their conscience. Conscience is indeed very important, but it must constantly be sent back to the school of Scripture to receive instruction from the Holy Spirit. It is in this manner that believers become and remain aware of God’s will. Which will? Decretive (secret) or Preceptive (revealed)? The latter, of course… In this way the will of God will become an increasingly well-established or proven component of the consciousness and lives of God’s children. The more they live in accordance with that will and approve of it, the more also, through this experience, will they learn to know that will, and rejoice in that knowledge. They will exclaim, “Thy will is our delight.”
William Hendriksen

Bible – chinese – 新标点和合本 撒迦利亚书 14

你们要从我山的谷中逃跑,因为山谷必延到亚萨。你们逃跑,必如犹大乌西雅年间的人逃避大地震一样。耶和华—我的 神必降临,有一切圣者同来。
10 全地,从迦巴直到耶路撒冷南方的临门,要变为亚拉巴耶路撒冷必仍居高位,就是从便雅悯门到第一门之处,又到角门,并从哈楠业楼,直到王的酒榨。
11 人必住在其中,不再有咒诅。耶路撒冷人必安然居住。
12 耶和华用灾殃攻击那与耶路撒冷争战的列国人,必是这样:他们两脚站立的时候,肉必消没,眼在眶中干瘪,舌在口中溃烂。
13 那日,耶和华必使他们大大扰乱。他们各人彼此揪住,举手攻击。
14  犹大也必在耶路撒冷争战。那时四围各国的财物,就是许多金银衣服,必被收聚。
15 那临到马匹、骡子、骆驼、驴,和营中一切牲畜的灾殃是与那灾殃一般。
16 所有来攻击耶路撒冷列国中剩下的人,必年年上来敬拜君王—万军之耶和华,并守住棚节。
17 地上族中,凡不上耶路撒冷敬拜君王—万军之耶和华的,必无雨降在他们的地上。
18  埃及族若不上来,也不降在他们的地上;凡不上来守住棚节的列国人,耶和华也必用这灾攻击他们。
19 这就是埃及的刑罚和那不上来守住棚节之列国的刑罚。
20 当那日,马的铃铛上必有「归耶和华为圣」的这句话。耶和华殿内的锅必如祭坛前的碗一样。
21 耶路撒冷犹大的锅都必归万军之耶和华为圣。凡献祭的都必来取这锅,煮在其中。当那日,在万军之耶和华的殿中必不再有迦南人。