Christian Witness of Jan
I live my life for Christ
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I am a Christian for 25 years. Jesus Christ is both my Lord and my Savior.I live my life for Christ and witness for Him daily. My walk is with Himand gives me delight. He is at the center of my life, and i have a personalrelationship with Him.
I believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who are all one. Christ cameto earth in the flesh, and died for my sins, and i have been crucified withHim, and raised with Him in a new life.
Christ is the love of my life. I witness on-line for Him, and in my work,and to my friends, and family. My Lord is in me, and He has done the worksthrough me of bringing others to Christ.
I work as a Christian School Librarian now. I was born Jewish, and calledby Him.
I heard Him as i was reading a Jewish old testament. He said, “You don’tunderstand this now, but some day this will be very important to you”.
I didn’t understand why, but i knew this voice was God. A few years later,in high school i started studying my bible. By college, i wassaved at a campus ministry, at age 18. I have lived my life for the Lord eversince. Recently I understood what it meant to be crucified with Him, and”He who looses His life for Me shall find it.” My life has not been my ownsince, but belongs to Christ who died for me.