God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Now if you have a problem matching up that sovereignty of God with human responsibility, admit that you don't know everything and the problem is solved. Because I also know that the gospel extends to the end of the earth and Jesus was the one who said, 'Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I'll give you rest.' We understand the gospel invitation. We understand the call. We understand the tears of Jesus over those who wouldn't come. We understand the responsibility of the sinner who rejects the gospel and perishes and he is being punished for his own choice. We understand that. How that harmonizes with this doctrine, I do not understand. I may never understand it even in eternity because I will never be God. But I will let God be God and I will not redefine God on my terms… I also understand at the same time that God holds every sinner responsible for their own rejection and gives them the opportunity to receive Him. And it makes perfect sense to Him though it's apparently paradoxical to me. But I will not err on the severe side of diminishing the sovereignty of God by eliminating this glorious truth.