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Balanced Christian Life; A Special Report on IBCM 4 Germany etc

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>



An e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,

edification and encouragement



Issue No.042 July 27, 2007


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In this issue


  •  Perspective : 
    Balanced Christian Life

  • Sermon out line   :   Saints of New Testament Time

  • A Special Report :  IBCM 4 Germany

  • Anecdote:-         It Must be applied
  • Matters  for  prayer &  Praise: Ministry opportunity in Kazakhstan, etc

  • Worth Quote:  Excess & Moderation





Balanced Christian Life



Maintaining a balance is essential for stability and progress in
any sphere of life. Imbalanced walk could result in a fall. Even when
we stand there is a balance to be kept. A balanced diet is necessary
for a healthy body.  Many natural calamities are often attributed
to the imbalanced ecological condition.

To attain success the Lord told Joshua, "Only be strong and very
courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which
Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand
or to the left,  that you may prosper wherever you go." Joshua.1:7
Notice the warning "do not turn from it to the right or to the

It is a human tendency to go to extremes. Some one has well said,
"Extremes are always in the gutter." In any sphere of life: social,
political or religious, taking one side and neglecting another is
dangerous. Most of the violence today is the result of extremism.
Seeing every thing in a balanced manner is imperative for smooth life
in any area of life.

Through out the church history we had many who were so passionate on
one particular truth and went to the extreme. The result was gradually
they ended up in some form of wrong teaching.

For example, over emphasizing the love God, and ignoring the wrath of
God. Some are obsessed by the love of God but unwilling to acknowledge
the wrath of God. They can't see a God who punishes. They only see a
God who loves, cares and blesses. That is only one side of the truth.

Both are Biblical truths that we need to hold on to. In fact it is in
the background of God's wrath that we fully appreciate the love of God.
On the cross we see both marvellously demonstrated. In His everlasting
love God allowed His only begotten son to bear His wrath and die as an
atoning sacrifice.

There are many more examples that we can consider. Faith vs works,
divine election vs human responsibility, perfection vs inherent sin
nature are some topics that many have stumbled at.

 Some Christians think it is unscriptural to eat nutritious food,
because they think it satisfying lust of the flesh! For them, making
use of modern technology is love of the world! Some others even advice
new believers to abandon parents to be a true disciple of Christ. 
There is another group of Christians whose argument is that it was the
fall of man that necessitated a covering for man, now sin question is
settled and no more covering is needed!

Extreme, imbalanced teachings claimed to be based on the word of God
are plenty. Even sincere, godly believers have gone too much
on   one side and the very truth which is supposed to
liberate, became a snare.  At the same time some others in their
effort to be moderate and progressive took another side.

It is sad to notice that some Christians who are universally known for
their sound doctrine and profound teaching are now advocating for
taking "U" turn to extreme liberalism. Few goes to one extreme and
become too much narrow minded, another group goes to the other extreme
and become too much open—minded! Both the conditions are not ideal but
harmful for individual life as well as the Church.

Let us base our doctrine and practice on the basis of the word of God
in its entirety. Let the entire revelation –the word of God—be our
guide. There won't be any harm in abandoning certain man made
practices. But if it is a practice or a teaching that is according to
the word of God, for the sake of popularity and progressivism never
compromise it. Be balanced, not to the left, nor to the right. 





                                         Saints of New Testament Time

                                                        --showing varied spiritual conditions.

1. Believing Romans.               Rom.1:8

2. Progressive Thessalonians. 2 Thess.1:3

3. Obedient Philippians.          Phil.2.12

4. Loving Colossians.               Colo.1:4

5. Faithful Ephesians.              Eph.1:1

6. Carnal Corinthians.             1Cor.3:3

7. Foolish Galatians.                 Gal.3:1

           What about you?




A Special Report:

IBCM 4 Germany


Fourth International Brethren Conference on Missions was held in Wiedenest, Near Cologne, Germany from June 25 to July 1.

Around 400 Brethren believers and leaders from more than 80 countries
around the world participated in this seven days get together at the
beautiful campsite of Missionshaus Bibleschule Wiedenest.  
It was the culmination of the years of preparation by the International
Planning Committee.

As reported earlier, the first IBCM conference
was held in Singapore in 1993 as a result of discussion at the Lausanne
2 conference in Manila in 1989 and at a seminar at Regent College
Vancouver in 1990. Second was held at Rome in 1996 and third in Romania
in 2003.

Some of the objectives of the conference were:

•    To bring together national leaders of brethren
movement from across the world for spiritual reflection, fellowship,
and renewed experience of the Lord.

•    To strengthen informal networking and partnership.

•    To encourage younger leaders, particularly from
emerging countries, to learn about each other's work, challenges and

•    To share ideas and methods to help churches to be effective in their mission for Christ.

The theme of the conference was "All things to all by all means TO WIN
SOME". Apart from the messages based on the theme many papers were
presented related to the theme. Also there was time to discuss on
various contemporary issues during the workshop hour.

Due to time limitation only few countries could share a report on the
ministry going on their land. Most of them could successfully narrate
the present Brethren Assembly work in that particular country. It was
heartening to know that the Brethren Assembly work in many lands is
growing from Strength to strength.

Bible readings on cross cultural evangelism were
very fruitful. Strategic addresses on reaching out to the different
cultures and post modern, secular societies were also very informative
and challenging. The emphasis was that the   Brethren always
gave priority for missions but it is essential to broaden our view of
evangelism in the present generation and understand them well.

From the papers presented and the workshop
discussions it seems the Brethren all over the world face the same
issues and they earnestly desire to find some changes.  Many
solutions were discussed. Some of the suggestions put forward through
messages, reports and workshops are noteworthy.

Even some were advocating for the abandonment of some of the 'Brethren
distinctives"! It seems their argument is 'to win some, some how', be
ready to forsake the values, practices, or doctrines that the brethren
hold dearly. Some of the books sold in the conference also suggested
such ideas.

There were few participants who took a note of it
and clearly spoke of the need to hold on to the New Testament Church
principles that our forefathers taught us. It seems it is high time to
high light the unique teachings that make Brethren Assemblies different
from other church groups. It is encouraging to notice that there are
many in various countries, who are eager to make a study of the
Assembly distinctives and stick on to it.

The exhibition area helped the participants to
display the work of their respective country effectively. That gave the
participants as well as the local believers to have a glimpse of the
ministry that are going on various lands.

There was enough free time for the brethren to
meet and have fellowship together. Participants used that time
effectively. Every one was exited too see one another from various
foreign lands. Some of the countries were not even heard of!

Few of them were seen standing near by a huge
world map to point out the location of their country. Also there was
opportunity for arranging regional meetings. Many participants from
various countries or region used that facility to have their own
meeting away from their country or region.

The organizers and the host at Wiedenest deserve
much appreciation. All the arrangements were well planned and perfectly
executed. Simultaneous translations made available in some 6 –7
languages helped those who did not know English. Access free internet
facility full time helped many delegates for easy communication. 

  The Bible school students and the
volunteers did a commendable job in serving the delegates through out
the conference. The CD's with all the materials of the conference will
be of great use for future reference and study.

 The neighboring assemblies took many
participants to their assemblies on Sunday for worship and gave
opportunity to minister the word.

It was a truly a foretaste of heaven, saints from
every land, language and tribe, praising and worshiping the Lord
together. Where there was no distinction or discrimination over the
color or language.  No doubt, the participants will cherish the
memories of Wiedenest for many years to come.          



It Must be applied


soap manufacturer was talking with a Christian. Said the soap maker,
"The Gospel you preach hasn't done much good, for there's still a lot
of wickedness and wicked people."

The Christian made no immediate
reply, but they soon passed a child making mud pies. He was exceedingly
dirty. It was then the Christian's turn and so he said "Soap has not
done much good in the world, I see for there is still much dirt and
dirty people."

"Oh, well", answered the manufacturer, "soap is useful only when it is applied."

"Exactly", was the Christian's reply. "So it is with the Gospel we proclaim."

The message of the Gospel indeed the
greatest message this world has ever known. It is God's own message
proclaiming salvation freely to every sinner who comes to Him thorough

However, the salvation from sin that the gospel brings will never be yours until you believe for yourself.


Matters for Prayer & praise

  1. Mrs.  Neethu Abraham,  Vishakapatanam, India.

    Fervent prayers of the saints every where are requested
for Sister Neethu Abraham who is in coma after cerebral hemorrhage. She
is admitted in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Vishakapatanm
since July 10. According to the doctors, the modern medicine can do
nothing now. Pray that the Lord may be kind to her and revive her.

Her husband is an officer in the Indian Navy. They have a son who is two year old. Kindly uphold them in your prayers.

2. Ministry opportunity in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is earnestly waiting for the Lord's chosen servant! Even
after the desperate request of the brethren there and the prayers of
many all over the word, so far there is no sign of a missionary coming
to this needy field.

Seven years ago, acknowledging the call of the Lord for full time
missionary work in Khazakhstan, Bro. David Rajen from Muscat, Oman
resigned his job and reached here with his family. 

The Lord honored his ministry in this predominantly Muslim country and
a local church was established called, 'Almaty Believers (Brethren)
Assembly. As far as we know this is the only brethren assembly in this

The Lord's plan for David Rajen was different. On April 23, 2005 it
pleased the Master to call him to His presence, leaving behind his wife
Annie Raj and three daughters along with the young church. Humanly
speaking it was a big loss to the local assembly. Many began to leave
the gathering due to the absence of a strong leader.

Yet, Sister Annie and the children did continue the work in the same
commitment and zeal of David Rajen. They were involved in ministries
like visiting prisons, conducting youth camps and serving the orphans
etc. Even when the older daughters Phoebe and Hannah went abroad for
higher studies, Sister Annie and younger daughter Joanna continued the
ministry, prayerfully waiting for the Lord to send His servant there.

They have Bible studies and evangelism on Saturdays and worship every
Sundays. They call unbelievers to their house and through fellowship
share the gospel.

Now, Joanna the younger daughter of Sister Annie has to go abroad for
higher studies. Then it will be difficult for her to continue there
alone. With much burden and sorrow in her heart, Sister Annie is
planning to leave Kazakhstan in the first week of August. It is their
earnest prayer and desire that the Lord may send some one with a burden
for this land to continue the work and take care of the Assembly. If
not, there is every possibility that the members may be scattered as
there is no strong leader to lead them.

Sister Annie says, "I'm saying this because right now this country is
open for any religious works. There are some restrictions but they are
not that serious. I don't know when this country can close down those
freedoms. We strongly feel the great need for the right teaching of the

Saints every where are requested to pray for Kazakhstan and the church
there. May the Lord stir up the heart of able men of God to take up
this challenge and continue the Lord's work in this country. We also
need to pray for Sister Annie and children that the hand of the Lord
may be with them too in their steps ahead.

For more details write immediately to

3. T.V. Program, 'Sath Gamaya'

Sath Gamaya - A Music & Gospel Talk-Show in Malayalam, has
completed telecasting 100 episodes on June 22 07. This Brethren
Assembly based program being telecast through one of the Indian Cable
Television net work  "KAIRALI's 'People Channel" since 09 JUN 05,
has been watched by millions of Malayalam speaking population in India
and  abroad. This Marxists owned net work is very popular all over
the world among the Malayalam speaking people.


'Sath Gamaya' is a Sanskrit word meaning 'lead me to truth'.  That
exactly is the purpose of this program—lead people who are searching
for truth to the Lord Jesus who Himself is the 'truth'.

The original plan of the brethren was to telecast for three months but
the Lord graciously helped them to continue so far. The promoters are
grateful to the Lord and His people for praying and sacrificially
giving for its needs. 

They receive number of enquires after each telecast. Once, soon after a
discussion on suicide 5 people called them to say that they were just
getting ready to end their life. Many other stories of transforming
experiences challenge the brethren to continue this talk – Show. Only
eternity can reveal the full impact of this ministry.

Preparations are going on for starting a similar Television program in Hindi, which is the national language of India.

Kindly remember this T.V. program in your prayers and encourage others
to watch it on PEOPLE TV on every Friday at 4:30 P.M. to 5.PM (Indian

 For more details please contact:    

4. Home Coming – Mylapra Assembly

  An unusual gathering of the members of Salem Brethren
Assembly Mylapra, Kerala, India began today (Friday July 27) and will
conclude on Sunday July 29. 

The members of this Assembly, which was established 90 years ago, are
scattered all over world. Around 600 of them including 16 commended
evangelists will come together for three days fellowship at Mylapra
Assembly auditorium.

This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet each other, share the
dreams, pray together and listen to the word of God. Children, youth,
Men and Women will have separate sessions in between. Men of God coming
from various parts of the world would lead the Bible Hours.


Pray that the Lord may bless this gathering for His glory and the encouragement of the saints.


For more details, please contact:

Br. George Koshy, Mylapra

Phone      +91-468-2222777, 2323030, 2329963 (Off),

Mobile     +91-9447213777)



Worthy quotes:-                 Excess & Moderation

"All things in excess are contrary to nature."



"The best carried to excess are wrong."

        ---------Charles Churchill

"Moderation is the silken string running through the pearl chain of all

   ----------- Joseph Hall


To ponder over


                      "Let all things be done decently and in order."



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Edited & posted by Nelson Thomas Kumaramparampil for the glory of God and joy of the saints.