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Posted by: jessiew <jessiew@...>

"... It's a small world after all..."
The Breadbeckers were some of my favorite vendors when I was a taking our curriculum to homeschool conferences. They have valuable wisdom to share.
For making bread we use a K-Tec Champ mixer and we have a K-Tec Grain Mill for grinding our grain. The Champ is great for mixing the bread, but the blender that is attached is not. The grinder is wonderful, but it is noisy. If I had it to do over again, I would buy the bosch and whisper mill.  
Off to take Emily to the Chiropractor. I have to get graduation programs done tonight too. We have a high school graduate this year from our Creekside Academy. Fun times!
By His Grace,
Mary E. Woodis
-------Original Message-------
Date: 05/27/05 07:31:57
Subject: Re: [HomeSteadHeaven] Book - The China Study
A Bosch or a DLX are both good.  There are a few lesser priced machines out there and for your size family they would be o.k. too.  I'll do some searching on ebay and send you the stuff privately.  Depending on how much bread you eat I've also found that a good Cusininart Food Processor does a great job on one loaf at a time.  You can also bake bread by hand fairly easily.  What you really need is a wheat grinder and for that I'd recommend the Whisper Mill.  There are others that do a good job but they are much louder to operate.  The Whisper Mill has a good warranty.  I use to work for Sue and Brad Becker at the Breadbeckers.  I know they have a website.  I'll look for it.
I would encourage you to read the book "Nourishing Traditions" before you give up all meat for an extended period of time.  Then make your decision.  There's much conflicting information out there.

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