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The Archives

Posted by: rsydnor <rsydnor@...>

(1) The archives are accessible at
(2) Select "Email groups", then select "Members Only" in the
"christianguitar" row.
(3) If you don't have an assigned username, then just leave the "username
and "password" fields blank in the login box and hit "Enter".
(4) You'll be re-directed to a page where you can submit your email address.
You will immediately be emailed a username that allows you to access the
archives. A link to the archives will be emailed with your username. You
don't need a password. Just type in the username, hit "Enter" and you're on
your way to the archives. Once you have your password, you can access the
archives by following step (2) or by going directly to

Ray Sydnor

> -Original Message -----
From: "Kevin" <>

> > >What site?
> >
> > Exactly. It's not a site, it's a list.
> >
> >
> Wait a minute. What about the archives?
> Will we have a new archive site? Got an address?
> By the way, some of you are responding on the old server - watch the to:
> address for a while to make sure you are sending to
> Simply replying to a post may not work
> the original was from the new server.
> Thank you Douglas for keeping this alive. Thank you Ray for getting it
> started!
> Peace
> Kevin S