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Doc's Daily Chuckle 11/29/21

Posted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>

             DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

             Always  Clean  Chuckles

           Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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Hope those in the USA gave thanks for the many blessings God 

has given. Actually, everyday and everywhere it’s right to give thanks. 


Today's Chuckles

1.  Proper Order 

2.   ASCPA  



Proper Order 


While flying from Denver to Kansas City, Kansas, my mother was 

sitting across the aisle from a woman and her eight-year-old son. 

Mom couldn't help laughing as they neared their destination and 

she heard the mother say to the boy, "Now remember, run to Daddy 

first, then the dog." 


- From Clean Laffs



If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change 

your life mightily. - Gerald Good 






My class was touring the ASPCA, oohing and aahing over the lost and 

waiting-to-be-adopted animals. 


One of my third grade boys was gazing intently at an elaborate aquarium 

full of different species of fish. 


"They're beautiful, aren't they," I commented. 


He looked at me thoughtfully, then replied, "Yes, but I don't understand…

how can anyone lose a fish?” 


- From Da Mouse Tracks


Please pray for:Renee, Dodi, Dave, Anthony, Brandon, Julie, Vernon.


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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